Chapter 7 - Help Me: The Trilogy (ft. TodoDeku and The Aizawa Family)

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(This chapter is 3rd Person Shinso POV)

Shinso sat at his table in the 2 - A classroom, looking at his desk, feeling extra tired. The essay was due any day in the next week, so he and Monoma were in the clear, since all that was left was the translating. Shinso needed to remember to ask Monoma about how far he's gone. But that wasn't what was making him tired, it was all his classmates asking questions about his apparent 'date' with Monoma. After explaining it was fake, and making everyone promise not to tell Kendo, he thought he was in the clear. But no. The universe just had to be a dick to him. 

"That's kinda suspicious." Mina had pointed out that same evening, when they were all at the common rooms, Shinso having called a meeting to discuss his 'date' with everyone. The question made Shinso confused. How the hell was it suspicious?

"I mean, you'd obviously not do that for anyone here, and this is Monoma we're talking about. He's practically hates us, so it's weird he'd even ask you anyway." she continued, trying to rub her hands on her chin like she had a beard. Her face suddenly brightened, as if a light bulb had clicked over her head. "You did actually go on a date with Monoma, didn't you? But you didn't want to tell anyone so you lied, right? Since you're so mysterious sometimes." she glanced up at Shinso.

See, for someone like Mina that scored pretty low when it came to the academic portion of the hero course to think of such a smart idea should have been a good thing. And it was, just not for Shinso. The purple haired boy just groaned inwardly, denied the assumption again, and went to bed. He was way too tired to dwell on it.

The next day though, was filled with questioning glances from most of his class, and unwanted sympathy from others. Kaminari's face was one Shinso couldn't decipher, but it definitely wasn't his usual happy expression. Midoriya's face was also not easy to decipher, but Shinso didn't have enough energy in him to actually care. That is, until Midoriya walked up to his table, seeming nervous and mumbling something incomprehensible.

"Need something?" Shinso asks tiredly, and Midoriya jumps a little from his voice. Midoriya probably wasn't paying attention.

"A-ah! Sh-Shinso! I d-do need something, b-but you look like y-you need your r-rest, so I-I'll leave you for now. B-bye!" Midoriya stutters out, quickly turning around and running back to his desk where he slumps over and continues mumbling into his arms.

Shinso narrowed his eyes at the retreating figure, noticing that something wasn't right. First of all, Midoriya's face was an unnatural shade of red, and while that itself wasn't too suspicious, the excess stuttering just added to Shinso's growing concern. Sure, Midoriya stuttered a lot, but it had gotten better now, and his face didn't go up in flames every time he talked to a girl, so what could be the problem?

Shinso groaned and closed his eyes. He really wasn't ready for this, and his brain was hurting from the thinking, as if he had used his quirk for 3 hours straight. He closed his eyes, hoping for the unconsciousness of sleep to arise, and just as he was drifting off, Aizawa-sensei came into the room, ready to start class.

If he was Bakugou, he would have punched his teacher and cussed up a storm.

The bell finally rang for lunch, Shinso's throbbing brain crying out in relief. He made his way to the door, waiting for others to file out before him so that he could head over to the teacher's lounge to eat with Aizawa and Yamada. He hadn't eaten with them in a while, and venting out his frustration to his dads always made him feel better. It was no new news to Class A that their homeroom teacher was his parent, Todoroki had been asking him for months if he was 'Aizawa-sensei's illegitimate love child', but he just liked the peace of walking alone. Just before he walked through the door, a hand appears behind him and holds his shoulder. Shinso turned around to find Midoriya, his face flushed. "Meet me on the rooftop before lunch is over." he says, then leaves the room. Shinso is very much confused, but he doesn't bother himself with it. 'I'll find out later anyway.' he reasons with himself, then steps out the door, heading in the direction of the teachers lounge.

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