The New Dawn

9 1 3

Flash of lightning
Boom of thunder
Realms of mankind
Torn asunder

Seals are broken
It has begun
The moon will now
Eclipse the sun

Angels descending
Upon the earth
Judging men
Upon their worth

Sound of trumpets
Marks the call
Demons rise
Angels fall

Dark one rising
Tables turning
Flesh of mankind
Burning, burning!

Lowest of low
Like highest of high
Those who live
Will beg to die

Curs-ed living
Bless-ed dead
Bare his mark
Upon thy head

Tears for naught
This fate is earned
Woes of a lesson
Too late learned

Six long years
Sum of mankinds
Greatest fears

Words of warning
Clock is ticking
Beware the fetus
Of the new dawn is kicking

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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