Chapter 12

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Warning- offensive slurs ahead

Law could see out of the corner of his eye that they were done ordering and were coming their way, probably to find a seat.

Law knows it's too late, and he'll be seen by those pain in the asses. Luffy, who is sipping on his water, seems unbothered.

Kidd was the first to recognize the strawhat on Luffys head, and then in front of him, Law. His expression immediately darkened, and he was only looking at Law.

'Why me.' Law thinks, as Kidd leaves Monet to stand in front of Luffy and Laws table.

Luffy tilted his head up at Kidd, confused about his sudden appearance. Law just lazily looked up at him, waiting for whatever bullshit he was going to say.

Monet and Kidds friends, who Law can now recognize as Hawkins and Apoo, look at where Kidd went, and was puzzled at why he left, so they followed him.

At this point, Luffy and Law, who were sitting down at their table, have Kidd, Monet, Hawkins, and Apoo standing in front of the table, looking down at them.

Monets expression soured as she looked down at Law, probably because of him rejecting her earlier in the day. Apoo and Hawkins tried to look like they were the shit, but Law knew they just followed around Kidd like obedient dogs. Kidd was all attention on Law.

"Well well well, look who we have here." Kidd spit bitterly.

Law didn't respond, and decided to lay his head on his palm. Luffy looked at Law, and then at Kidd. "Are you guys friends or something?" Luffy asked, not knowing Law or Kidd ever to interact.

"Shut it dipstick." Apoo growled. Luffy looked at Apoo, but only shrugged and went back to sipping his water.

Law shot a dirty look at Apoo. Apoo glanced at Law and then away quickly.

"Strawhat-ya, this imbecile and I are nowhere near friends." Law mumbles to Luffy, pointing at Kidd. Kidd turned red from anger.

"You think i'll stand here and let you talk shit to me? I heard what you said to my girlfriend during lunch, Law." Kidd snarled, making Monet smirk at Law.

Law wants to burst out laughing, how did the two rejects already started to date in the short span Law rejected her to now? Was she that desperate?

Luffy all of a sudden starts laughing, accidentally spitting his water out. He clutches his stomach and slaps the table. "BAHAHA It was so funny! You shoulda seen her face!"

Monet blushes in embarrassment, her teeth clenching as she turned to Luffy. "Shut up you worthless little shit! We are not talking to you!"

Luffy ignores her and continues to laugh. Law feels like Luffy is going to make the situation worse. Can he not read the atmosphere?

Law wants to get this dumb interaction over with, so he switches his stare from Luffy to Kidd. "Why does it matter to you, Eustass-ya? You should be glad that I rejected her so now you can jump and drool all over her."

Kidd clenched his fist. "Shut up you fucking jackass, i'm going to beat your ass!" Kidd launches a punch at Laws face, but Law dodges it, making Kidd stumble forward and almost fall on top of the table.

Luffy laughs even harder, and this time, Apoo goes to punch Luffy, but Luffy dodges it as well. Apoo jumps back and his face twists in pure anger.

"Too slow, shishi!" Luffy says.

Monet has stepped back and watched over the fight, feeling both embarrassed about the scene they are causing, but wanting them to get revenge for her at the same time.

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