Inside of a dull, lifeless thing. It was invented way back to 19 hundredth. A night shield of black and white; to keep the user from drifting off at night. Surely you’ll be addicted to it as you use it all the time. You will have anxiety, of which you think from the first time you try is an impossible thing to do; keeping your self from doing your household chores. Such a poor thing, or the other way around, yeah?
I like to ask: “Are you sane enough to turn your phone into a display of black and white?”

100 Words in 100 Stories, eh?
Random[COMPLETED] Another book for compilation of stories but of maximum and minimum of just 100 words each stories. Book language is preferably English. Also, provides different genres. *** Related Stories: Really, 200 Words in 200 Stories, yeah?, Volum...