She’s beautiful to imagine what someone has overcomed. Yet, she’s the ugliest when Impatience comes in. Though Impatience can be her when Im is taken from him. Then Impatience can no longer him for he becomes she which is I’m patience, then transformed into I’m patient for having a right use for wordings as this impatience of her highness’s patience as being her patient.
“Now, that’s weird. Do you agree with me, class?” the teacher asked her class for what was written on the board.
“No, Ma’am,” said all her students, all of them was absorbered by the idea thereof.
100 Words in 100 Stories, eh?
Random[COMPLETED] Another book for compilation of stories but of maximum and minimum of just 100 words each stories. Book language is preferably English. Also, provides different genres. *** Related Stories: Really, 200 Words in 200 Stories, yeah?, Volum...