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     "What are we doing back here?" Mick asked as they stepped off the ship.

     "Savage has a timeship, courtesy of the Time Masters" Rip answered "The timeline is unclear meaning Savage is lost to history which is why I brought you all home"

     "Mission's not over, man" Jax replied.

     "Jax is right" Ray reassured him "We've lost Savage before we'll find him again"

     "And then what?" Rip asked throwing his hands up, we have no way of killing Savage now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession, if they're still alive?"

     "So that's it? We're... we're just giving up?" Ray could hardly believe it.

      "I'm going to retrieve our younger selves and return them to the timeline"Rip said turning towards the ship "it will be as if you never left"

     "You think that we can just return to our old lives?" Snart snapped "pretend like none of this ever happened?"

     "I had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016," He said not looking at Snart.

     "Great my mom probably thinks that I'm dead" Jax crossed his arm "Thanks a lot."

     "Okay, wait, why? Why the change of plans?" Snart asked.

     "If you're getting back on that ship, we get back on that ship " Mick added."suddenly Rip started glitching.

     "I never left it," the hologram said as the ship takes off "I'm sorry, I wish you all well"

     "I never liked that guy" Mick grunted.

     "I've got to go see someone," Snart said.

     Snart carefully walked into the Green Arrow Bunker.

     "Hello? Hello? Captain Lance?" He tapped on the wall.

     "Snart When'd you get back? Quentin asked, "Is Sara with you?" He asked looking over Snarts Shoulder.

     "No, she's busy on the ship" Snart lied "I was at her sisters, but she wasn't there"

     "Yeah Damien Darhk was in prison, and he escaped, and everyone tried to... stop him. But your Laurel ..."

     "Oh I'm so sorry" Snart could hardly believe it.

     "Hey if something happens to me could you please take care of my sister," Sara said putting a card down.

     "Wow someone is a little bit gloomy," Snart said pulling a card out of the deck "sure"

Central City, 2016
     The alarm was blaring as Mick walked out of the bank. The other robber pulled out his gun and shot some guy.

     "You idiot!" Mick growled "We're in the clear" Snart was defiantly not going to like this 'when is that idiot getting back from Star City.' " You shot him, and wasted ammo"

     "Cops are coming. You want to yell at me some more" he turned to Mick "or should we both get out of here?"

     "Neither," Mick said firing his flamethrower. A car suddenly pulls up.

     "Hey, Mick. Oh, it... it's me" Ray clears his throat "It's Ray. I-I thought we should talk"

     "Drive," Mick says jumping in the car.

     "You didn't waste any time getting back to your old habits," Ray said driving.

     "I like stealing stuff" Mick answered.

     "Did you ever think maybe you weren't meant to do this anymore?" Ray asked.

     "What do you want, haircut?" Mick groaned.

     "I was hoping Snart was here" he sighed "I need To apologize, for Sara, I was the one who was supposed to die"

     "It wasn't your fault Blondie was just saving Snart and he knew fully while what he was doing" Mick answered.

     "Thanks, Mick" Ray smiled while driving.

     "Ship's not going to be here, Gray" Jax sighed "We saw it take off, remember?"

     "Yes, and in doing so, it would have left--" Stein was cut off by Ray.

     "Quantum signature" Ray jumped in "I've been trying to tell Mick"

     "Boring" Mick interrupted When do we get in contact with Hunter?"

On the Waverider

     "Tell me you've located Savage" Rip said looking over the computer

     "No, but we have received a transmission from 2016 Star City" Gidan repsoned.

Back with the team
     "I don't understand," Ray said puzzled.

     "Did you account for subspace interference?" Stein asked.

     "Yes did you adjust for temporal polarity?" Ray turned to him.

     "Raymond, you insult me" Stein frowned.

     "Can you reach the timeship thingy or not?" Snart asked.

     "We're working on it!" Both of them shouted.

     "Guys, I think it just worked" Jax stared at the Waverider

     "I thought I made my intentions perfectly clear" Rip crossed his arms. Mick ran up and punched him.

     "Just checking to see if you're real this time," he said.

     "Despite my wishes to pursue Savage alone, it seems that you're all intent on seeing th-"Rip was cut off by Snart pointing his freeze gun at Rip's head.

     "Oh! This should be fun" Mick said as the entire team stood in shock.

     "You knew she was going to die!" Snart started to shake "I made a promise to protect her and you made me break it!"

     "Now come on Snart we both know your no killer, I can't allow -" Snart punches the wall next to Rip's head with his free hand

     "I don't care about the timeline! I've already failed one person I'm not failing another!" He growled.

     "Look, we all miss Sara" Ray put a hand on his shoulder "but there's a valid reason why Rip-"

     "Stay out of this pretty boy" Rip slipped a device from his sleeve that flashed a light and knocks Snart out.

    "Whoo," Ray and Mick moved over to catch him before he hit the ground.

     The team decided to lock Snart in his room for a while. Mick walked into the room to find him setting quietly on the bed.

     "Look I'm not very good at this emotional stuff," Mick said walking over to his friend.

      "Good because I'm not emotional," Snart said looking away.

     "Look as much as it pains me to say this the English man is right" Mick sighed.

     "I just feel like I owe it to Sara she gave her life for me," Snart said looking back up.

     "If you want to honor blondie let's save the bird people," Mick said putting a hand on his shoulder.

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