The found

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    "Let's make sure we all follow the plan," Ray said glaring at Snart.

     "Let's just get this done," Snart said pushing past him. They surrounded Damien and Einstein's ex-wife

     "Step away from the lady and the bomb! Final warning!" Ray shouted. Damien yelled something in German causing his men to attack.

    "I love roasting Nazis!"Mick grinned shooting his gun. Snart shot at Damien who easily dodged

    "That was rather sloppy" Damien smirked.

     "I here to kill you" Snart growled lunging at him.

     "Try to you mean" Damien smirked. Ray tries to disable the bomb

    "Uh, guys, a little problem here" Ray gulped "Suit's not as radiation-proof as I thought... uh, guys, actually a big problem"

    "Haircut! Watch out!" Mick yelled pushing Ray out of the line of fire. Rays just the back of his head blacking out.

    "Fall back! Mr. Rory's injured, and Dr. Palmer is incapacitated" Rip call

Time skip
    "Mick's on the mend and Einstein is sound with the security detail" Jax stated "But the Nazis still have the nuke, they're we leaving New York?"

     "Because the Nazis still have a nuke" Rip said "I'm tracking the uranium signature recorded by Dr. Palmer's suit, but I need you to make these modifications"

     "Is now the time for me to be playing mechanic?" Jax asked.

     "Look" Rip turned to face him "I know you think the chores I've been assigning you a waste of time, but believe me, they're there not, what's the subliminal variance of the quantum manifold?"

     "Two microns" Jax answered crossing his arms. His eyes suddenly widened in realization "All of the stuff; you've been teaching me about the Waverider"

     "I'm a time traveler" Rip replied "I think a lot about the future, specifically my own, and it occurs to me that might not involve me being on the ship someone needs to know its secrets in my absence"

     "Nice try, dude" Jax looked him in the eye "but you're not quitting on us" he look at the computer "What's a Timescatter?"

     "A last-ditch option" Rip replied "I'm tracking the Nazis U-b-" he's cut the ship is hit knocking everyone out but Mick and Rip. Rip quickly time scatters the team.

     "I knew you never liked me" Mick mumbled barely conscious.

     "I'm afraid, injured as you are, you wouldn't survive the rigors of time travel," he said doing something on the computer "which is why... I'm doing this"

Present day
      "So where's Captain Hunter?" Nate asked.

     "Don't know" Mick shrugged "Must have time-scattered himself with rest, guess I gotta play hero and find them"

     "Do you even think this ship still flies?" Nate raised an eyebrow.

     "Don't see why not" He said pulling out another beer "Fridge works"

     "If your team is stuck in history, who better to help find them than a historian?" Oliver said elbowing Nate.

     "This guy?" Mick grunted taking a swig.

     "Without Dr. Heywood, you'd still be in stasis." Oliver reminded him.

     "Time out," Nate said making a t with his hands "This was supposed to be a salvage mission"

     "Who are you kidding?" Oliver crossed his arms "You've been waiting your whole life for a chance like this" he then slaps him on the back.

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