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    "Now" Rip called through the com. Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and began to attack. "Keep Savage and our Nazi friends occupied, Gideon has detected a temporal signature consistent with a timeship"

     "Well this is just great" Snart groaned as more and more troops came running in.

     "Rip, we're kind of outnumbered here" Mick called pointing his gun at the troops.

     "Fall back" Rip called over the com "Staying here to fight Nazis is exacerbating the damage that we have already done"

     "We're kind of missing one," Snart said blasting his cold gun "Kendra was blasted out of the sky"

     "She is alive, and we will rescue her I hope" Rip sighed. Everyone ran back to the Waverider.

     "That was a little too close for comfort" Snart panted as the ship took off.

Time skip Planning room

     "Ugh I hate Nazi," Mick said grabbing a beer "Want one?' he asked holding out the other for Snart.

     "Sure why not," he said grabbing the beer just then Stien walked into the room.

     "I figured out how Savage plans to erase time" Stein laughed "I believe he intends to detonate each of these meteors in a different time period"

     "How can you destroy the world three times in three different times?" Jax asked.

     "You can't, it would create a temporal paradox," Rip said.

     "Which would result in a timequake to the point of the first chronothermic reaction, Ancient Egypt" Stein.

     "Okay, it's official. This is the craziest bad guy plan in the history of bad guy plans" Jax said.

     "I don't think that sanity is a yardstick by which Vandal Savage can be measured" Rip

     "Okay, so which time periods are we talking about here?" Jax asked.

     "You said Savage was in possession of one of these meteorites in 1958. That was a year of a rare alignment, with the Earth and Thanagar" Stein turned to him.

     "Evidently he got hold of a second meteorite in 1944" Rip nodded

    "Which would be useless in a year where Earth and Thanagar weren't in alignment" Stein explained "the next two years that Earth and Thanagar are in sync are 1975 and 2021"

     "But Savage still has to do this in three different time periods," Jax said trying to keep up.

     "That's the beauty of immortality, Jefferson," Stein said "He can literally be in three places at once"

     "if Savage plans on blowing up the world three times, how do we stop him?" Jax asked.

     "We've always known that only you or Kendra could kill Savage using items exposed," he said Turing to Carter "to the meteor's radiation, It gave Savage his immortality, but--"

     "It also makes him vulnerable" Rip jumped in.

     "And Savage is about to unleash the radiation in three different time periods" Stien added "Which should be sufficient to render Savage, mortal"

     "Great they're all speaking like dorks now," Snart said as he and Mick watched.

     "And then all we got to do is kill Savage three times" Jax smiled.

     "Count me in" Mick yelled raising his beer. 

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