Chapter 1 - A Kind Maiden

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Elizhabeth was wandering around a little lost in the city of Abilonia and was hungry but had no money. When she bumped into a young lady. Wearing a beautiful white and red dress with a red matching hat on top of her head. The lady being around the age of 20.

At first, Elizhabeth was afraid that she was going to get scolded, yet again by the lass or even discovered by her. So, Elizhabeth waited to get an ear full. But it never came.
So, when Elizhabeth looked up, seeing a brunette woman with a red hat. Standing before her. Lending her hand out to her with a closed-eyed smile. Elizhabeth was surprised by this lady and took it. As the kind lady helped her to her feet, she said kindly "I'm sorry. Up you go. Now, where are your parents?"
Elizhabeth then looked at this woman with a look of multiple emotions. So, the lady assumed that she did want to speak of them and said. "I'll take that you don't have any or are lost." Then the blonde girl nodded a pond hearing her say lost. The brunette then said to the blonde little girl. "It's okay. Where were you trying to go or find?"
Then the girl thought not wanting to go back to the palace. Elizhabeth responded. "Anywhere but here."
The young brunette looked at the young girl shocked by her answer and asked: "Don't you have a home and, or a family to go to?"
Then Elizhabeth responded. "No..." Looking at the ground.

Then the lady said kindly. "Well, if don't have a home or a family to go to then, you can come with me. If you like?" Then Elizhabeth looked at the lady in wonder. If this lady is really as kind as she looked and speaks. But, while looking for the bad. She saw nothing but, the kindness in this woman and said a little unsure of it. "Yes?..."
The lady responded a bit taken aback. "Are saying you would like to come with me?" Elizhabeth nodded and the lady said sweetly. "Okay, then. My name's Azenki Sora. You can just call me Zenki."
Then Elizhabeth tested out the name on her tongue. " Zen-ki... Zenki?" Azenki nodded and said happily. "Yes, that's me! Can you tell me your name?"

Elizhabeth look down and said, "My name is Elizhabeth."

Azenki replied. "What a beautiful name for a young lady. Now, we shall go?" Elizhabeth nodded happily. The lady held out her hand to the girl for her to take and the girl looked at it. Before the lady said sweetly. "Go ahead and take my hand. I won't bite or anything." Then Elizhabeth hesitantly took it and the lady held her hand like a mother would do a child. Then they started to walk off to go and get some glass jars. But before they even got to the shop. They heard a loud growl of a stomach. The lady looked to the girl sweetly and spoke. "Are you hungry?" The blonde girl nodded embarrassed. Azenki looked around them and spotted a tavern not too far ahead and said. "How about we get a bite to eat?" Elizhabeth nodded. Then they walked to the tavern. Once they had arrived at the tavern, called The Glistening Lake Tavern, and took a seat, Azenki looked at the menu and then at Elizhabeth and then back to the menu. Choosing something to fill her stomach.

Once Azenki had chosen what she would like to order. Azenki turned to Elizhabeth and asked. "Do see anything you'll like?"
Elizhabeth lowered her head sadly. Without a reply. Then Azenki asked. "Hmmm... What's wrong?"
Elizhabeth mumbled quietly to the brunette. "So, expensive..."
Then Azenki realized what was up with the blonde and said. "You're worried about paying me back. Aren't you...?"
Then the young girl looked at Zenki and nodded. Azenki then said wholeheartedly. "You don't need to worry about that, silly? Now choose something or you'll be on an empty stomach."
Elizabeth then said quietly. "You choose..."
Azenki said kindly. "Alright. What do you like to eat, Elizhabeth?"
The small girl replied. "Everything..."
Azenki then said. "Okay, then I'll get you the roasted chicken with baked potatoes and salad then. What do you say?"
Elizabeth responded in a quiet voice. "Sounds good..."
Then Azenki called the waiter and ordered their meals.

After about 10 minutes of Azenki and Elizhabeth talking, their food arrived. Which is the same dish just one is rationed for a child. Azenki took her's and Elizhabeth's food from the young raven-locked waiter and started placing their meal down on the table. But before placing Elizhabeth's. Azenki joked "Elizhabeth here's yours!"
And Elizhabeth looked in front of her expecting to see a meal. But then instead of a meal. Elizhabeth saw was just the table. So, she asked confused. "Um... Ms. Zenki...? There's nothing there."
Then Azenki said jokingly. "You said you'll eat anything. So, here eat the table."
Elizhabeth then looked a Zenki like she had grown a second head or something. Then Azenki said "Okay, sorry. It was a joke here's yours."
Then gave the young blonde her meal and they ate their meals in peace. While having a little bit of small talk.

After they had finished their meals and left the tavern, Azenki and Elizhabeth made their way to a shop nearby. Called The Piping Willow, to buy some glass jars. But just as they approach this mysterious shop. Elizabeth asked unsure as to why they were going to this shop. "Ummm... Excuse me, Ms. Zenki. But why are we going to The Piping Willow?"

"I'm getting a few glass jars here." Replied Azenki. As she entered the shop.

After buying a few glass jars, bottles, and herbs, Azenki and Elizhabeth went over to a small wagon with a handsome brown and white painted stallion. Azenki helped Elizhabeth into the carriage. Before untethering the stallion and coming up to him and giving him a few pats on the head and a carrot. Then Azenki climbed aboard the small wooden carriage and drove them to her village.

As they were riding Elizhabeth was amazed at the sight of the plains with the flocks of sheep and birds. Along with cattle and horses grazing. Azenki noticed her amazement and the sparkle of joy in her eyes and said. "It's a gorgeous sight. Am I right?"
Elizhabeth looked at Azenki in shock and said. "Yes!"

Azenki asked curiously to the girl. "Hey, Elizhabeth. Can you tell me, why is it that you want to go away from this place?"

"Be-because I-I told my father that I would leave...." Replied Elizhabeth.

"Why would you tell him something like that?" Azenki asked concerned. While focusing on the road up ahead.

"I told him that because he doesn't like me and he doesn't even love me." Replied Elizhabeth sorrowfully.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it anymore. Unless you want to..." Responded Azenki. Trying to get away from the painful topic. But young Elizhabeth decided to continue. "No, it's fine, Ms.  Azenki. I want to talk about it."

So, Elizhabeth opened it up to Azenki and told her what had happened between her father and her without telling Azenki who she was or where she came from. Azenki detestably replied. "You know that's not how a father should ever treat his daughter. So, whenever I meet this man. I will have to lecher him and give him an earful."

Elizhabeth then mumbles softly. "I... d-don't think.... that's a... good idea..."

"Well, whether it's a good idea or not. It doesn't matter. Any father should know to Never Ever treat their daughter like that. " As Azenki explained her standpoint, she noticed a village coming up. Along with a forest that held my types and species of creatures that were both good and evil. So, Azenki stated to Elizhabeth. "Excuse me, Elizhabeth. But, there's a forest up ahead with creatures that can be good and also bad. So, can you do me a favor and keep your voice low, or for this matter try not to speak at all, please? I'll tell you when you can again. I promise."

Elizhabeth nodded and stayed quiet as they passed the dangerous forest and once they are on the other side they saw a village not too far.
"Okay, Elizhabeth. You may speak now and by the way, just up ahead is my village. Where I live." Beamed Azenki. As the two of them approached it. 

Once Azenki remarked to Elizhabeth to look ahead, she saw a village and stared in awe at what she was seeing because she had never seen houses that look as such as these. For Abilonia was very modern compared to these. As the buildings looked of stone and wood back in Abilonia and this village, they look like cobble huts. Being only one to two or three stories high. As Elizhabeth stared in awe at them. Azenki smiles seeing that this girl. Seems to have taken a liking to the village already at just a glimpse.

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