together || Lyart AU

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shuichi/oliver making another horrible angst to fluff????/? wah
i'll try my best writing lol

and sorry if this is ooc.

!! TW !!
mentioning of abuse, s/h, starving?

lyle slander smh /lh


Lyle's POV

it's been a month since i've ran away from home and moved to a apartment. i had nothing to do except fidgeting with my rubix cube, playing games, solve puzzles from the internet, watching movies, or making instant noodles. yeaaah i can't cook so i make instant noodles though i sometimes do order food. i haven't left my apartment for weeks and my friends are concerned about me so we decided to talk through text, i mostly, my best friend. we've been friends since middle school.

i feel pain in my head, again. my dad usually hit me on the head which is verryy painful. i groaned and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water. after i got the glass of water water i heard a knocking on the door 

"who is it?" i asked, "it's art. uhm, can i come in?" "sure"

art then walked in to my apartment "what's up?" "well uh, i got kicked out of my house so if you don't mind me asking..can i, can i live with you?"

i tried to proceed what did art said, he got kicked out of his house?- 

"it's fine if you don't-"
"nonono, its fine! you can stay here!"
i nodded, "yes, really."
he hugged me and mutters thank you to me, i hugged him back.


we were watching a movie, a horror movie.
art screams which makes him jump and hugged my arm (A/N IDK WHATS ITS CALLED BUT TAKE IT ANYWAY), i yelped in pain on accident and i quickly covered my mouth. "shit" i mumbled.

Art's POV

i heard lyle yelping which i immediately let go of his arm. "what was that?" i asked him, "nothing, really." he answered, i could see him trembling a bit. and when i saw him when i entered to his apartment he seemed..what's the word? slicker or thinner, it almost looked like he haven't eaten yet. i grabbed his soulder which made him flinch a bit, my eyes soften "lyle please, what's wrong?" i tried asking him, he looked down in shame. and suddenly hugged me and cried onto my shirt which i hugged him back and patted his head softly

after awhile he calmed down he then finally answered "it's just parents always beat me up and i don't have many friends back then. which is why i ran away and moved to this apartment, i never go outside unless to buy food i-- i'm sorry if i wasn't able to hang out with you guys i'm scared that they'll find me.." he explained. he let go and chuckled a bit ",,sorry haha..i never really opened up to people that much" he picked up his cat, kieron and patted them. "i just realized i haven't ate for days yet." he continues, "oh uh, wanna make instant noodles?" "oh! yeah. sure. we can continue this movie after that!" i exclaimed a bit, he chuckles "alright"

gosh his smile is beautiful-- wait no, he's your friend, art. snap out of it. (lmao yeah right) i realized lyle was already gone and i was blushing a bit. oh.

back to Lyle's POV lol

i put kieron down and head to the kitchen to make noodles. damn i cannot. fucking cook

after i made the noodles i head back to art and we continue watching the movie we currently watching.

[timeskip because art block,, again!!]

at the end of the movie i hugged art and snuggled to his chest. i'm touch starved haha yeah, but this is what friends also do..right, right??
i realized art's face was,, red?? "bro you good?? are you sick or smth??" (not gonna make lyle a uwu- [GUNSHOTS]) "um yeah, i'm fine. don't worry about it." he answered. "alrighty then"

i realized its getting late

"hey its getting late, i'm gonna go to my room now." i announced
"oh alright" he responses

i head to my room and close the door behind me. went to my bed and starts fidgeting with my rubix cube, as usual. while laying down in my bed. and fell asleep.
i really wanna sleep with ar- wait no- he's your friend you can't- whatever.

ITS FINALLY DONE LMAO, im actually considering to make this as a series in this book. hmmm
i had a fun-not-really-fun time writing this, though i failed and not reach 1000 words, sad.

word count: 716 (WOO)

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