Until Next Time

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Marco's POV:

Maybe an hour passed since we said our last words to each other, Jean's breathing slow and steady.

I still can't sleep, a thousand thoughts in my head.

What would happen if I turn around and face him?  Well, he might move away from me, and I don't want that... I want my arms around him too, not just his around me.  What would've happened if I did kiss him?  Would he have kissed back, or acted as if the world was ending?  

"Marco," I heard his soft, raspy, tired voice, "what's on your mind?"

I tried to pretend like I'm asleep, hoping he would go back to sleep as well.  Did I do something to wake him?

A few minutes passed and he shuffled his body, but never changing the position we were in.  

"Marco, I know you're awake, you're tense again."

Was it my tense body that woke him up?  "Oh... sorry," I whispered, trying to force my body to relax.

"What's wrong?"  His hot breath hit the back of my neck again, electricity coursing through my body.

"Nothing, I just can't sleep..."

"Still?"  He let go of me, my once stagnant face turned to a frown.  "I thought that would help..."

Why'd you let go of me?  I guess that answers my question though - if I were to face him he would turn away.

"I was comfortable, I just have somethings on my mind," I stopped my words, "thank you for trying to help though," don't sound suspicious.

"Oh," was all he replied with.

I felt him shift again, this time, completely changing his position, facing the other direction with his back towards mine.

Do I do it?  

Without a second thought, I turned around so this time I was holding onto him.  I reached my arm slowly to him, my hand gently grazing his side.

"Marco, what are you doing?"  He asked, instantly causing me to take my hand back.

"I... I thought since..." I stopped all advancements to try and hold him, moving to create space between us, "never mind."

There was a silence between us, a knife could slice through the tension in the air.

After a while, Jean spoke up again, "do... do you think you can do what your were going to do?"

A soft tint of red covered my cheeks again, "I thought you didn't want me to?"

"I hesitated..."  He was honest, why would he hesitate?  "...I've never been held by someone before, I've always been the one to do it."

My lips stretched into a smile as I turned my body to face his again, pulling my body close to his back.  I brought my arm up and snaked it up his torso, where I met his hand.  Surprisingly, he grabbed it and interlaced our fingers, holding my hand and keeping my arm in it's position.

He hummed and scooted back more into me, causing my entire face to heat up and go red.

"Marco, relax," he whispered, his lips brushing against my hand that he was holding.

Holy crap, just when I thought I couldn't get more attracted to this man, he pulls this.  He's so cute.

He squeezed my hand while he moved his legs to touch mine, "why are you so far away?  Come closer... close the gap between us," he was evident in what he wanted.

Again - A Marco and Jean Story (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now