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(None of these pictures are the real Jannah no one knows how that looks except Allah)
Jannah is reality. It is real. It is the best of the best place to be in. Everything that you wanted or ever imagined you will have it there but on the highest level. You will live forever. Where ever you be in Jannah their will be peace. Paradise is the best of what people want in this life that they can never have. Everything you have in this life you will leave here but everything you have in Jannah will be yours to keep forever. So follow the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH and go on the right path. Read Salah and Quran because these are your tickets to Jannah. You can live this dunya that will only be like getting in from one door and then getting out of the other, with sin and haram and not have a peaceful here-after. Or live this dunya the way the Quran and our Prophet (SAW) taught us so we can get in Jannah that last forever. The choice is yours.

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