Athaab in the qabr

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Asalam-O-alaikum everybody!! I hope every body is doing well insha Allah. Just to be clear I'm not making anything up this is all real. Please comment and vote it makes my day and I love reading comments!!!
Athaab-e-qabr or punishments in the grave is also among the beliefs of Islam. Punishment in the qabr will be for two kinds of people:
1: for the kufr
2: for sinful Muslims
After this sinful Muslim is buried in the qabr, in a sudden he sees in the distance two very scary angels approaching him. They are Munkir and Nukir. So imagine you have never seen this. And they are approaching you. But do you have any where to run? Do you have any where to hide? Do you have anything you can protect Ur self with? When this person doesn't know the answers to their questions, a voice calls out. The angels are told to furnish his grave with the furnishings of Jahannam. this person is shown a place in Jannah, and he is told: this is what was waiting for you if you would have obeyed Allah and obeyed the messenger (SAW). Then the fire of Jahannam enters into his grave. And his grave; it squeezes him so tight, until his ribs begin to close up on one another. Then he sees an ugly man with a foul stench and he is coming to him. And he sits with him in his grave. Then this sinful person says: who are you, May Allah curse you, your face brings evil. Then the ugly man says: I am your evil deeds, and I am going to stay with you until "Yawmul Qiyammah"(Judgement day) so not only is he being punished in his grave, but he's with this ugly foul stench of a man. Then Allah appoints over him, one who is blind, deaf, and dumb, in whose hand is an iron rod. Which if he was to strike a mountain with it, it will turn the mountain to dust. He strikes him with it until he turns into dust. Then he is turned back to his former state and he is struck again. Then the dead man utters a scream which everything can hear except for Mankind and jinn. He keeps striking him until judgement day. The prophet(SAW) said: I would make dua to Allah to allow you to hear the punishment of the grave, but I fear if you could hear it, you will not bury your dead. We should make dua to Allah to be safe from the athaab in the qabr. and stay away from sins that will put us in this situation. Which do u prefer, this life that will last a minute or the Akhira (the life that last forever).

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