Settling In

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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VIOLETTE'S P.O.V

About 20 minutes later me, Veronica, my mom and the band were laughing and talking about our lives and how the band was. It was hard to hide the freak out I was having inside. Andy fucking Biersack is a foot away from me. In my home. Having a casual conversation! I think I was about to faint.


It's almost 3 in the morning yet I don't feel tired at all. My favorite band is talking to me and laughing with me. I turn to Violette, only to see her staring and smiling at Andy. Oh. My. God. I elbow Violette in the ribs. She whispers, "Ow! What was that for?" I glare at her,
"Don't make it so obvious!" I whisper screamed at her. She automatically knew what I meant.
"Oh shut up, Veronica!" And resumed her conversation with the band, talking about their first album. I roll my eyes.
"Well, we better head off and get our clothes and stuff now." Andy said standing up from the couch, he was followed by the rest of the band. Then, Andy stopped in his tracks, stopping at Annie's voice.

"WAIT!!" She said throwing her hands out in front of her.
"Uhh, yes?" Andy furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity as she went to the kitchen. She came back with shoes on and a purse.
"I'm coming with you." and she started heading for the door.
"Oh, no you don't have to I think we can handle it." Andy shook his head.
"Oh, don't be silly. I'll tell you where to put the luggage so it all fits in nicely and won't move around when you're driving! I'm good at that kind of thing." And she shuffled out the door.

"...right. Well, we'll be back in a few. With your mom. I guess." He waved goodbye and shut the door behind him. Then Violette let out a big scream.

"AAHHHH!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE WHATS HAPPENING BLACK VEIL BRIDES IS STAYING IN MY HOME AND ANDY MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME AND SPOKE TO ME ANd it's totally cool you know we're friends now I guess." Lord, this'll be a fun couple of days...

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ANDY P.O.V.

We got back to Violette's house around 3:45 am with our luggage...and her mom. We carried the stuff in the house, CC and Jake brought them up to the guest room as quietly as possible, noticing that Violette and Veronica were asleep on the couch. Then Annie whispered to me and Jinxx, "Oh, do you mind carrying the girls to Violette's room? It's pretty easy to find, just look for the room with Black Veil Brides posters." she chuckled, and so did I. But I didn't mind, I knew she was a fan.
"No problem, Annie." I said with a smile and motioned Jinxx to pick up Veronica while I pick up Violette.
I walk over to the couch and picked her up bridal style as careful as I could, to not wake her up. She was surprisingly light, and as soon as I lifted her up and wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest. How cute.

I headed to the black painted room and BVB posters and set her on the bed, pulling the blankets over her. Jinxx does the same with Veronica and we quietly closed the door. Violette is such an adorable sleep- wait what? I cocked my eyebrow in confusion. Did I just say that? Jinxx gave me a little shove.
"You okay?" He asked with a whisper. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just in my own thoughts." I said resting my head in my hand.
"Okay..well we should probably head off to bed. We have to wake up in like 6 hours." Jinxx looked at me like there was something wrong with me. I just nodded and went into the guess room. Only 2 beds. Damnit. Jake and CC already took the beds. I hope the floor is comfortable.

I lay a blanket down on the ground and ripped a pillow out from under CC's head. His head just flopped and he snored even louder.

I tried to get comfortable but with every move I made the floor creaked. It's even harder staying still the entire time. I cannot do that. So, I got up and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. I hope Annie doesn't mind.
I get to the kitchen and get water from the sink. Then I hear footsteps coming from the stairs.
"Hello?" I whispered. I see a small girl turning the corner.
"Can't sleep Huh?" Violette asked. I only took her to bed about an hour ago, how is she awake?
"Y-yeah. I got the floor." I said with a sad tone. She just laughed.
"One thing I hate about this house. So many creaky floors." She walked into the kitchen behind me, opening up the fridge and taking out a half eaten sandwich.
"Late night snack?" I said, snickering.
"All night every night." I held my mouth, trying not to laugh too loud. But the laughter soon ended when I realized how many questions I wanted to ask her.

"So you're turning the big 18, Huh?" I asked. She just spaced out and nodded while eating her sandwich. Then she spoke after 5 seconds of silence, which felt like forever.
"It's not a big deal. I mean, I literally said all my life I wanted to be in a band, so I haven't made any real plans for college." She said, laughing and looking down at her feet.
"Hey, sounds like a plan. Have you made a band yet?" I asked. I was curious.
"Nope. Never even asked any of my friends if they did. It was kind of an inside thing. Y'know?" She mumbled, taking another bite of her sandwich. I shrugged.
"Well there's no harm in asking." I said taking a sip of my water. She just nodded and scratched the back of her head. When I noticed her arm....and I couldn't take my eyes away. I've had many fans who self-harmed. But somehow this one hit me like a train going full speed. I felt like bursting in tears. She saw me staring, and quickly put her arm down, changing the subject. "So, how's the tour been so far?" She asked, with a shaky voice. I shook my head out of my zone and looked at her.
"It's been..pretty cool. It's great to meet all my fans and see the people who have made me what I am today." I said, sticking my nose in my cup.

"That's deep." she snickered. I smiled, thinking of that in so many wrong ways.
"Not in the way you're thinking of, Mr. Biersack. " She gave me a concerned look. How'd she know? I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Well, we should probably head back to bed. You know, because sleep is important." I said setting my cup in the sink.
She started walking out the kitchen and she mumbled, "Not when you have internet...then sleep is for the weak." I like this girl already.

End of chapter.
Sorry it's so short
And boring.
I'm having so much writers block.
And sorry I haven't updated
Like I said
Writers block
And the realization im writing this for my own entertainment. 🌚

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