The Concert

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I was 17, and it was my first Black Veil brides concert. Well, first concert in general. But I was so happy that it was BVB. My name is Violette by the way.

I went to my closet and opened the doors dramatically in my sense of happiness. I pulled out some knee-ripped black skinny jeans, a BVB shirt and my high top black converse. I piled my clothes over my arms and took my shoes to the bathroom. I set my clothes on the counter and I pulled back my black and red hair in a ponytail as I started to wash my face.
I looked over at my phone, a text from Veronica:
"DUDE. BVB CONCERT TONIGHT!! You excited? *click* or nah?"
I laughed and texted back with one hand since my other hand was busy washing my face.
"HELL YEAH!! I srsly can't wait to caress Andy's leg 😂"
"Gurl that's kinky."
I smiled and continued getting ready. I straightened my hair and applied my make up. I sprazzled perfume all over me and walked downstairs.
"Aren't you going to eat before you leave for school?" My mom said from the kitchen, frying some eggs.
"Sure I'll take some toast, I'm kind of late." I threw my back pack over my shoulder and shoved the piece of burnt toast in my mouth.
I mumbled, "Bye Mom!!" And closed the door behind me to walk to the bus stop.
************************************************************************** 8 HOURS LATER
**************************************************************************I ran home, I was so excited I was going to this concert that I barged the door open.
"I'M GOING TO A BLACK VEIL BRIDES CONCERT IN-" I took a minute to count the hours, "IN 4 HOURS!!" I ran up to my room and tossed off my shoes. I went to my closet and tapped my finger on my mouth, deciding what to wear.
"No. No. No. Oh hell no!" I started throwing clothes everywhere. I plopped on my bed in frustration.
"concert starts in 2 hours!! You almost ready?"
"Well hurry up chica!! I think that's how it's spelled..."
I threw my phone on my bed and searched through the pile of clothes on the floor.
I found one of my new ripped black shirts and pitch black skinny jeans and just put on my black high top converse, but took a sharpie and drew 'BVB' on the white part.
I ran to the bathroom and washed all the daily make up off and carefully applied new make up, making sure everything was perfect and my eyeliner wasn't shitty.
"Half an hour until the concert!! Are you ready now?!?"
"All ready. I'm coming to pick you up now."
I ran downstairs and took the keys off the ring.
"I'm leaving now, mom! I'll see you after the concert!" And I slammed the door behind me and ran to the car.
"Hope this concert will be worth it." I said as I stuck the keys into the ignition.
20 minutes until the concert starts and me and Veronica were in the car, driving there.
We finally got there and we had to park across the street. 10 minutes until the concert started so we ran to the entrance. We showed are tickets to this big bulky security dude and we finally got in.
"We made it!! 5 minutes to spare, too." Veronica said jumping up and down. Veronica was a petite little 16 year old. She had long black hair and she was Mexican. She was just about 2 inches shorter than me and always smiling.
Me on the other hand, I was very different. I was 5'4 and I had caramel brown eyes. I had ivory skin and I'm naturally blonde, but since I hated being blonde I always dyed my hair different colors. This month, black and red. I had bracelets all up and down my arms and I had spider bite lip rings on one side. I always wore pants. I'm not a shorts person.
We smoothly slipped our way through the front without anybody noticing. 2 minutes until the concert started and the lights were getting dim. Veronica couldn't stop squealing. People were counting down the seconds until BVB showed up on stage.
And all together we all screamed when we saw Andy walk up to the front of the stage. I reached my hand up and almost started crying.
Everyone screamed to the top of their lungs.
"Haha, we got a little treat for you guys tonight. How's about we start off with a little tears? THIS SONGS' CALLED CAROLYN!!"
Blood curdling screams came from behind me and fog started to surround the stage. The guitar solo started to begin as Andy was preparing to sing. I was on the verge of tears. This is my favorite sad song by them. He grabbed the mic and sang with the most perfect voice I had ever heard.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AFTER CAROLYN

"Alright, enough with the sad songs. This one was made for the outcasts! THIS IS PERFECT WEAPON!!" He immediately started screaming in the mic and I raised my hand and lifted my pinkie and index finger and started head banging.
"This is the best concert ever!" Veronica screamed in my ear. I smiled in agreement.
Andy got closer to the crowd. So close I could almost touch him. So I reached out and touched his leg. OH MY GOD I TOUCHED ANDY BIERSACK.

He looked down at me and smiled. Then he bent down and started singing in my face. His breath touched my face and it smelled like mint. His eyes stared into mine and I was mesmerized by his bright blue eyes. I started smiling and laughing as I sang along with him.

Here's to your perfect weapon

Crack bones with blind aggression

Then he stood up and held out his hand towards my face. I was confused and my smile faded.

"Don't be shy. " Andy said to me with a smile. I slowly took his hand and he lifted me out from the crowd and on to the stage with one hand. I mean I'm light but I'm not THAT light holy crap.

Awake at night you focus

On everyone who's hurt you

"C'mon, sing. " He said and looked at me with kind eyes. I shyly started singing with him.

Then right the list of targets

Your violent lack of virtue

Then Andy started to scream and I watched with big eyes and a giant smile. Andrew Dennis Biersack invited me on stage and now I'm watching him scream right beside me.

"Hey kid, go that way." Jake nodded to the stairs behind the curtains and I quickly ran towards it. I looked around in confusion. Where's the exit to go back to the concert?

"Hey girl!" I look over and I see this big bald man walking towards me.
"Y-yes?" I stammered.
"Who sent you back here?" He said.
"Jake Pitts. From the band." I said confused.
"Oh okay, then this way." He took my shoulder and we came through a hallway.
"Stay here." He put me in a room and the door said, Black Veil Brides. Am I backstage?
My first thought, was Veronica going to be okay if I don't meet her in time?

About half an hour past before I heard Andy on the microphone.
"THANK YOU SEATTLE!! YOU'VE BEEN SO GREAT!!" I hesitated. What am I supposed to do? Should I sit? Should I stand? Should I leave? Screw it I can't do it. I'm leaving. I ran out the door and I found an exit.
I was running all around the arena and finally found Veronica.
"Oh my god, finally I found you! Where'd you go? HOW WAS IT BEING ON STAGE WITH BVB?!?" She was asking question after question.
"Questions later. We need to leave." I dragged her to the parking lot and we got in the car.
"...So....what happened?" She asked.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF CHAPTER ONE

Is Violette gunna tell Veronica she almost met the band in person? Or is she just gunna leave it?
Find out next chapter 👀
My first BVB fanfic btw, hope it's a lil decent 😌

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