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You wake up, your legs tangled into Gally's. He's not awake yet so you just sit there bringing in all his features. His green eyes, they remind you of the grass, nature. The light freckles covering his face. The dirt layered over them. The weird arch in his eyebrows but when you come to think of it, you wish your eyebrows looked like that. The way his face is shaped.

You most have dozed off while looking at him because- "Like what you see?" He says smiling as you look at him, blushing wide eyed. He starts laughing as he gets up putting his shirt back on. You get up as well and put your sweater on again. "Oh, so now you can get your sweater on perfectly fine?" He says like he's a detective or something. "um a yeah?" You say walking out of your hut as fast as possible. As you run out you hear him laughing again. 

You run over to Minho, both running into the maze. You analyze it to the best of your ability. You both know that tomorrow, the day that you guys plan on leaving is when griever 4 is open. So you and Minho run and find the best route to take to avoid section 4.

You guys find the best route and map it for the whole time you have in the maze. You get back to the Glade early so you all can get everything ready for tomorrow. "y/n. You're gonna have to use a machete." Newt says looking at you. "I know Newtie." You say back, him smiling from the nickname.

You all eat soup for supper before hanging around and talking. You talk to Thomas. "Hey Tommy." You say signaling him to sit next to you. "Hey y//n!" he says sitting down. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked you. "Born ready." You say with a smile. 

"Hey Thomas. Can I um- Talk to you for a minute?" Newt comes up and says with a half smile on his face. You could have sworn you seen blush on his face. "Uh- yeah sure Newt." Thomas says standing up and walking with him. He put his arm around him as they walked. 

You stand up and walk over to Gally. "Hey Gal Pal." You say to him as he smiles. "Gal Pal?" Minho asked. "Yeah that's his nickname that I came up with." You say standing really like really close to Gally. He ends up putting his arm around you like Thomas did to Newt. "Ok, well I think I'm gonna go to bed. Big day tomorrow!" You say as you walk over to your hut.

You take off you sweater and forgot that you haven't changed your pad in 2 days. You run and grab a pad changing it as quick as possible. When  you come out of the bathroom you see Gally standing in you room in a tank top again. "Hey um- I was just wondering if-" "yes. I would love for you to sleep with me again. "You say cutting him off as you both crack a smile. 

You lay down, him laying down next to you. Instead of turning your back to him you sit putting your head in his chest cuddling up to him as close as possible. He puts his arm around your back and puts his head into your head. "Goodnight y/c/n." He says to you as you both enjoy the contact. "Goodnight Gal Pal." You say drifting off. 

You wake up to Gally gone. You assume he went to get changed. You get up knowing you should change into something more breathable and easy to run and fight in, But also something that isn't very spot able like bright colors. More on the camo side and black and gray.

You look through the closes that the creators have sent you. 




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