Chapter 32

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"Tommy can you help Dream up the stairs, he still walks like an old man!!" i shouted from the kitchen into the living room where the two boys where "HEY!? I can walk... it's just hard" Dream shouted back while Tommy just laughed.

i stood there doing the dishes untill i herd a nock on the door, i sighed and started walking towoards the hall and to the door "yes, hell- oh dad? what are you doing here?" i said as i saw my dad aka pilza stand in the door opening "I'm looking for Tommy have you seen him?" he said, in the reflection of the window i could see Tommy shake his head signaling for me no "Eh... no i don't think so, but you shouldt worry, he is probably just in the forest talking to a tree ore some thing stupid as usual" i said with a smirk looking at Tommys verry ofended reflection i the glass "Yeah your probably right, i just cant help but worry, thank you anyway, have a nice evening" he said with a smile as he left.

"HEY!? WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT YOU STUPID BITCH!? TALKIG TO A TREE!?" he said as he came down the stairs to me "Just be glad i didn't say you where here, you owe me now just so you know" i said with a little smirk as i walked back in to the kitchen with Tommy following close behind "HEY!? thats not fair!?" "Yes it is" i said "You know i could just tell him your here?" i then continued "OK OK IM SORRY" he said with his hands put together in front of him while looking down and then we heard a sudden 'CRASH' we both looked up at eachother as we herd that it came from my and Dreams room, we started running up the stairs and i slamed the door open.

There on the floor we saw a Dream who was clearly in pain and he had an arrow in his torso almost in the same plase as the other arrow was before.


OOOOOOH clif hanger!! tho the othe chapter will come pritty soon becaus i'm bored in school and my phone is dead 😅

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