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Clint was lifting up the boy from the rubble when Ultron appeared inside of a jet.

"No!" Helena yelled, alerting Pietro as she ran off the boat, trying to use her powers to stop the bullets.

She was too far away, and not fast enough. Pietro was. Helena stopped running and stood there in shock as the bullets Ultron fired hit her brother.

"You didn't see that coming." Pietro said to Clint before falling to the ground.

"NO!" Helena screamed, and her powers went haywire, blasting out from around her.

Clint managed to get the little boy on board and went back for Pietro's body, but Helena couldn't see through her tears and the dark force swirling around her. Wanda sensed Pietro's death and fell to her knees. Her power blasted all of the remaining robots around her. She stood back up shakily and saw Ultron laying on the ground from where the Hulk had ripped him out of the jet. Wanda walked over to him.

"If you stay here, you'll die." Ultron warned.

"I just did." Wanda said, moving her hand to his metal chest, "Do you know what it felt like?"

She used her powers and the metal heart of Ultron was ripped out, killing him.

"It felt like that." Wanda whispered.

The city shook as Tony and Thor prepared to destroy it. Vision flew down and picked up Wanda, carrying over to the ground just before the ships.

"No one can get through to her." Vision said, "You're our only hope of saving her. We have to leave."

Wanda turned around in confusion to see what he was talking about. Her heart dropped. She couldn't see Helena through the dark energy field surrounding her, but she knew exactly where she was.

"I'll get her." Wanda said, walking forward slowly.

The force lashed out at anything that came too close, so Wanda stopped a distance away.

"Helena." She called, voice cracking with emotion.

The dark cloud dimmed a bit, enough so Wanda could see Helena standing in the center, tears running down her face and looking lost.

"Wanda." She cried, and the force disappeared enough for Wanda to run to her.

Wanda embraced her tightly.


"P-Pietro." Helena sobbed, "I-I wasn't fast enough. I was t-too slow."

"It's not your fault, Helena." Wanda said, pulling back to look her little sister in the eyes, "It's not your fault."

Helena couldn't look her sister in the eyes until a sudden recognition hit her.

"No. No, he's not gone." She whispered.


"I can bring him back!" Helena said, looking up at Wanda, "He's not gone!"

She moved to walk towards the hellicarrier.

"Helena, no." Wanda shook her head.

Helena paused.

"What do you mean?! I can save him!" She insisted.

"You can't undo death. It's not going to be the same." Wanda tried to explain.

"No. No, I have to try." Helena said.

"Helena, he's- he's gone. Pietro is dead." Wanda said, feeling the broken bits of her heart breaking even further until she was shattered.

"I- I have to- to- Pietro, he can't be-" Helena frantically scrambled for words.

Wanda walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We have to leave, we have to get on the boat now." She said.

Helena shook her head, but Wanda took her hand and guided her back to the boat. Helena's breath hitched in her throat as she saw the body of her older brother laying across the seats. Her heart started beating faster, and she began to shake.

"H-Helena." Wanda tried to comfort, but she could barely keep herself together.

The ship took off, but it began to shake as Helena's grip on her powers began to slacken. Fury marched over to them.

"Take her inside." Fury ordered, leading the way.

Wanda grabbed her little sister's hand and led her into the ship and down a passageway. Fury led them to a large room with a glass cage in it.

"No." Wanda stopped walking, "Absolutely not!"

"We need to contain her power!" Fury said.

"You are not putting her in that cage!" Wanda yelled.

"We have no choice! She will take the ship down!"

"No, no she won't." Wanda said in denial, even though it was true.

"The cell will contain her, she will be okay." Fury said.


"Take her out of here." Fury ordered to the agents behind Wanda.

They ushered her away, and she only struggled a bit, not using her powers. Deep down she knew this was the only was to save everyone inside the ship.

Meanwhile, Fury tried to coax Helena into the glass cage.

"Helena? Helena Maximoff?" He called.

Helena didn't reply, crying and shaking.

"I need you to get into the cell." Fury instructed.

He took a step closer to her but the force inside of her jolted out and threw him against the wall. Helena jumped and stumbled back. Several agents made a semi circle around her and the dark force began to push them flying backwards, one by one.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to-!" Helena protested, not wanting to hurt anyone, but not wanting to go into the cage, "Wanda. Where's Wanda? I need Wanda."

"She will come later." Fury said, having got back up off the floor.

"No, I need her now. P-please, I'm scared!" Helena cried out.

The agents advanced further, and she backed up more to avoid hurting or even killing them. She didn't even realize she was in the cell until Fury ordered the doors to be closed. Helena's eyes widened.

"No!" She yelled, running for the exit, but it closed before she got there, "No! No, please!"

Helena fell to the floor, shaking as the dark matter left her and swirled around until she couldn't see. There was nothing but darkness and despair left around her. Helena was empty. All of her hope, all of her light and happiness drained from her.

"Please, no. Don't leave me alone." Helena whispered.

The agents filed out of the room, until she was on her own, only being observed by the cameras in the room.

"I'm scared." She mumbled.

And then everything went black.

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