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Frightened of returning up the stairs where she had come from and walking straight back to the guard, Helena decided to look for another exit instead. The prisoners hadn't noticed her yet anyways, maybe they wouldn't. She crept along the hallway silently until a short and creepy looking man noticed her.

"What's this? A little girl in the dungeons?" He asked loudly, bringing other's attention to her.

"Is she lost?" A woman asked from the cell behind Helena, causing her to jump back.

"I'm fine, thank you." Helena mumbled, walking faster. She turned and came to a dead end.

"What odd clothing you wear." A voice remarked from her left.

"Odd indeed." Another said as Helena turned and walked by.

"Hey girly, want to let me out?" A woman crooned, "I promise to reward you greatly."

"I have gold I can give you!" Another prisoner offered.

"Don't listen to them, I have much more!"

"No, I do!"

"I have something better than gold, I can give you great power!"

Helena walked faster and faster, but quickly realized she had lost the way she came in. She looked around frantically. Seeing her distress, some of the prisoners began to laugh. One prisoner suddenly jumped at the wall of light, slamming against it before falling back and causing Helena to let out a small shriek.

Boisterous laughed boomed from a cell behind her, causing Helena to quickly turn and look that way.

"Are you afraid, little girl?" The man taunted.

"Leave her alone, Zylo." A new voice spoke up.

Helena looked to the cell next to the man who was taunting her and saw him. Loki. Her eyes widened, before she stumbled back a bit, something that Loki did not miss. Loki stood up from his bed and walked over to her. He tilted his head as he watched her.

"You do not belong in the dungeons." Loki said.

"No, I don't." Helena agreed.

"You are from Midgard." He stated, taking in her attire.

"Um, yes."

"And you know who I am." Loki continued.

Helena looked panicked for a moment before collecting herself.

"They don't really like you there." She said,

Loki observed her for a moment.

"Hah! That's an understatement." Zylo chuckled.

Loki glared at him, but was ignored.

"Little girl, are you lost? Are you looking for a way out?" Zylo went back to taunting Helena.

"Silence." Loki said sharply.

"You have no power over me from inside that cell, princeling." Zylo said, but he looked unsure.

"You want to push you luck, be my guest. I will revel in destroying you." Loki replied eerily calm.

Zylo glared but turned his back and didn't say anything else. That left Loki free to turn back to Helena. Helena knew she should leave. She had practically one rule- don't talk to Loki, and yet there she was.

"I should go." Helena said.

"You have magic suppressing cuffs on." Loki noted.

Helena looked down at her wrists. She had forgotten about that.

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