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the students are nervous as this day is their last day for their practice.

Ms. Myoui made sure that all of them are prepared and all they need to do is making sure that they are doing the right things.

“okay, question and answer portion. ppali!”, she screamed, enough for the students at the stage to hear.

the students immediately went to their places and waited for their turn to receive the question.

Ms. Myoui prepared a question just for practice so they won’t feel nervous for tomorrow’s event.

candidates number 1, 2, and 3 are already done and it’s jessica and beomgyu’s turn.

“so for mr. choi, here’s the question”, ms. myoui said while opening the paper.

“what will you do if your love one left you?”, ms. myoui read the question in the paper.

beomgyu is confuse and shock.

sure this is a couple competition but it’s just called a couple because it’s a partner competition.

why love is the topic?

“ahm, i never experience this but i think, i will be very sad for i will surely miss our moments together and i will feel the longing of her warmth”, beomgyu answered professionally.

after the question and answer portion, different practices were done and you can clearly the exhaustion of every students.

the now tiring boys are chasing their breathes as they are laying on the ground, wiping their sweats.

“ahm, ms. myoui, the practice ended but where is your assistant?”, a boy asked ms. myoui.

ryujin really didn’t bid her proper good bye. that kid.

“ohh, about ryujin”, pronouncing her name made caught the attention of all the students, especially beomgyu.

“she left”, ms. myoui told them.

“huh? why? this practice is about to end”, minhee asked curiously.

ryujin left the country. she left”

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