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ryujinhey ahahhaa

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hey ahahhaa

i’ll take my leave

no, i am actually
here now in

ahm, i’m sorry
if i left without
saying good bye

i just want to say
thank you

thank you for not
giving up and for
joining me on my plan

ahm, i know you doubted
but you still helped me

haha what’s bestfriends

maybe this is good for me

for the both of us

he finally chose

he never choose me
in the first place.

so i guess, this is really
the right thing to do

i really need to forget

im sorry for not
listening to you

you have been
supporting me

thank you for that

thank you for you didnt
leave me

you fought with me

you are always there

but what can we do?

he don’t want to

he really don’t want

ahaha i need to go now

please look after him

i really love him

i really do

please take care of him
for me.

thank you,


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