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beomgyu smiled at the bouquet he bought.

his smile won’t disappear thinking of the person who will receive it.

he walked out of their dorm and walked straight to ryujin’s.

annyeong, where is ryujin?”, asked beomgyu to the girl who opened the door.

“oh ryujin went out with a friend”, beomgyu’s smile dropped.

“i really don’t know the specific name but i heard, it’s a mall”.

beomgyu tried contacting ryujin but she can’t be reached.

he tried and tried until she finally picked up.

“oh ryujin-ah”, he started.

but instead of yes, hello, or what, he heard a man and a woman happily laughing.

“you’re the most beautiful ryujin”, hyunjin said.

the phone is left to be open, beomgyu heard everything.

“i love you ryujin, will you be my girlfriend?”

beomgyu is trembling. he ended the call.

“sir you are already drunk”, the waiter told him.

“no i’m not, don’t touch me”, beomgyu said while closing his eyes.

“where is your phone sir?”, he asked again.

“i *hiccup* threw it”, beomgyu answered while attempting to stand up.

he cried loudly.

“my girl is having fun with another guy”

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