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"It looks pretty messy out there

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"It looks pretty messy out there." Hank said as was saw the many ships in the water.

"The crew of the Aral Sea are all dead. Shaws been there." Charles explained to us.

"He's still here, somewhere." Erik spoke.

"He set the ship on course for the embargo line." Explained Charles.

"If that ship crosses the line, our boys are going to blow it up. And the war begins." Moria told Charles.

"Unless they're o our boys." Charles replied to Moria.

Charles then began to use his ability again. You said from the window a missile was about to hit us.

"Hold on." Charles yelled as you grabbed the person next to you hand, which happened to be Erik.

"A little warning next time, Professor." Hank told Charles.

"Sorry about that. You all right?" Charles asked.

"Yeah." You told him as you let go of Erik's hand.

"I'm sorry about that Erik." You whispered to him.

"It's fine." He told you as you looked at him with a blush as he smiled.

"That was inspired, Charles." Moira told him.

"Thank you very much, but I still can't locate Shaw." Charles explained.

"He's down there. We need to find him now." Erik told Charles.

"Hank?" Charles questioned.

"Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" Hank asked Moria.

"No. Nothing." She told him.

"Well, then he must be underwater. And obviously, we don't have sonar." Hank explained.

"Yes, we do." Sean said.

"Yes, we do." Charles repeated and Charles, Sean, you and Erik unbuckled your seats and walked to the back of the jet.

"Whoa! You back right off." Sean point at me and Erik.

"Damn, I really want to do something to help." You said.

"Beast, open the bomb bay doors." Sean told Hank.

And he opened them, you grabbed on to the side of the jet, just in case I fell off.

""Remember! This is a muscle. You control it! You'll be in here the entire time! We'll see you soon!" Charles yelled at Sean.

"On my mark!" Charles continued to yell.





Sean the jump out of the jet and flew above the water a began to fly in the air. Then quickly dove in the water.

"Alert the fleet, they may want to take their cans off." Moira said to the radio.

"Banshee has got a location on Shaw." Charles told us.

"Are you ready for this?" Charles questioned.

"Let's find out." Erik told Charles.

Erik was on the wheel of the jet as me and Charles were above him.

"Y/n, get ready if something happens to come at us." Charles told you.

"Will do." You replied to him as you watched Erik try to find Shaw ship.

Charles used his ability to try and help his as he spoke to him though his mind.

"You got this Erik." You said to him as he was trying his best.

Soon enough a submarine was coming up from the water. You watched in a amazement as I was coming from out of the water.

You watched as wind was on top of the submarine and making it way towards us.

You use your magic to try to stop the wind but it kept coming towards us.

"I can't stop it." You told Charles.

"Erik, take my hand." Charles yelled down at Erik.

"Hold on, guys. It's gonna get bumpy." You heard Hank say.

You grabbed on to the wall as the jet shook with the wind.

"Erik, take my hand." Charles continued to yell.

You watched as the submarine crashed on land.

Erik jumped off the wheel and grabbed Charles hand as he was lift back on the jet.

The jet then crashed on the ground soon after that as Erik covered you from getting hit by anything.

"Moira? Moira? Are you alright?" Charles walked towards her and asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You hear her tell Charles.

"Are you okay, Y/n." Erik asked you.

"Oh, I'm fine." You told him.

"I read the teleporters mind. Shaw is a drawing all the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb." Charles explained.

"We got no time. The Geiger count is going out of control." Moira said.

"Moira, this is what we're gonna do. Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out Immediately." Charles explained.

"I'm going in." Erik said.

"Beast, Havok, Azure witch, back him up." Charles told us.

"Erik, I can guide you through once you're in. But I need you to shut down whatever is it that's blocking me. The we just hope to god it's not too late for me to stop him. "Charles explained to Erik.

"Got it." Erik told him.

"Good luck."

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