page nine

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dear diary,

despite the short amount of time i have spent with her, i still feel grateful that i met her. sure, it wasn't long, but i have her memories and we have our own.

i wouldn't be able to share everything chronologically and i can't be able to draw or paint it like she can, but i have it with ne and i can write.

even though i don't physically have her with me, she lives in my mind and she will be forever within me. y/n's practiaclly everywhere. in her art, the music she introduced me to, the places she took me to, and in my mind.

i love her and she loved me. that's what matters.

i won't be able to meet someone exactly like her again, but if i learn to love another in the future, i'd talk about y/n and how much she means to me. just like how y/n talked about her family despite them being gone because "it doesn't matter if they're still here or not, i still love them and they still matter to me in present tense."

and, in present tense, i love y/n.

in future tense, i will continue to love y/n. whether or not she's here.

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