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Two months after Mark's death, Jaredina had been shooting a scene where Sam was flirting with a male bartender, as usual. She was very aware and very pleased by Jensen glaring from behind the camera. So she amped up the flirtiness, and leaned over the counter towards the bartender.

Unfortunately, due to the shitty budget the CW afforded them, the crew had to use barstools made of styrofoam. Most of their funds were spent on hair and makeup to disguise Jaredina's malnutrition, femininity, and various injuries. As Jaredina leaned forward, the makeshift stool collapsed under her weight, and she toppled to the ground. The last thing she registered was her head slamming on the floor, before she couldn't feel anything at all.


As Jaredina came to, the first thing she noticed was Jensen's worried face. As she woke up further, she realized she was in the hospital. Of course she recognized it — she had her own room reserved there due to frequent "skiing" accidents.

Jensen's face brightened up as Jaredina woke. Her head was pounding. Was she dead?

"Am I in heaven?" she groaned.

Jensen smiled. "You're not, but I am."

"Huh?" Jaredina thought maybe Jensen had been the one to hit his head on the floor.

"Jay, you've really got to be more careful. Thank God the baby is okay."

Jaredina paled. "I'm pregnant?" she asked.

"Yup! Eight weeks." Jensen said, stroking Jaredina's arm over the IV. He was ecstatic. He knew the child wasn't Spilo's, since he had been laying low while he was under investigation for sex trafficking. So it must be his.

Jensen loved when Jaredina was pregnant. She would be lactating, which meant he could save money on food, and he wouldn't have to worry about dying of the AIDS she'd given him. Jaredina's magic milk would heal him. It was a win-win.

"Speaking of you being pregnant, we need to prepare the cabin for another arrival." The cabin Jensen was referring to was where they kept all their love children in Colorado.

Jaredina didn't plan to tell Jensen that the baby was Mark's. But she didn't want the kid to contaminate her and Jensen's children, either. So she decided to have her wife, Drake Bell, fake a pregnancy.

When the time came to name her son, she wanted to honour Mark. But she had to avoid suspicion. If Jensen knew who the father was, he would probably go desecrate Mark's corpse — and that would open up a whole new can of problems for them.

So instead, she decided to take after Mark's last name, Sheppard. She changed the spelling, and made it her son's middle name.

To the public, her son was "Jared"'s and "Drake Bell"'s. To Jensen, he was theirs. But to Jaredina, he was her and Mark's.

The end <3

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