Chapter 1: Return to Mystic Falls.

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Alex's Pov~

My dad, as well as my son and I are currently driving to the place I visited every summer, except this time it's different. This time I won't be seeing my uncle, because he's sadly gone.

I used to love visiting Mystic Falls, but now it will just be a reminder of the memories I had with my uncle. I don't want to be back here for his memorial service, but I have to be. I owe it to my uncle and his family, and I owe it to myself to say my goodbyes. After the service, we will be staying for a bit to help my cousin Tyler and my Aunt Carol with whatever they need.

Between you and I, it's mainly to make sure Tyler doesn't activate his werewolf curse, sadly it's a curse that runs in the family. My dad wants to protect us from what he once had to go through every full moon. Thankfully for my mother, he never has to experience that again, and I'm glad I have yet to experience it because from what I witnessed it is a very very painful transition.


We had finally arrived at Aunt Carol's and to say there are tons of people would be an understatement.

But I'm glad there are tons of people here showing their respect and giving their condolences. To be honest I don't think a lot of them knew him from other than being the mayor but at this moment that didn't matter. After a look at all the people walking around, I exit the car, I went to grab my son but of course he wanted his papa. So instead of fussing, I leave them be and walk over to my aunt to immediately give her a huge hug. I of course give her my condolences and then make my way to go and find Tyler.

Before I could go too far I make sure to use magic to link my mind with my dad's just in case he's in trouble I mean this is a town full of vampires and witches so you can never be too careful. I don't have to do the same with my son because we were connected once he was born. After walking around, I finally find Tyler in his dad's study, he looks so sad.

Ignoring all the stares and the chatter I walk over and just hold him. We didn't talk much, I just held him to show him that I'm here for him. But after a while, we do talk a bit and then head out to mingle.

??: And who might you be, I've never seen you here before.

Alex: I'm just here for my uncle's memorial. My name is none of your concern.

??: Well whoever you are my name is Adam and you sweetheart are very cute.

Alex: Adam, you not only smell of liquor but you also look 12. I'm way too old and way out of your league. Now, why don't you go bother someone else and have yourself a good night?

I walk away leaving him dumbfounded, I make my way to the temporary bar to grab myself some water.

??: Wow looks like that boy can be a little straightforward, sorry about that.

I turn around and see an older man, and can instantly feel the supernatural energy radiating off of him.

Alex: If I don't know you, don't approach me. I don't know how you heard our conversation, I also don't need you telling me about some dude I just met, but thanks I guess.

??: Oh sorry manners duh, my name is Damon Salvatore, and you are?

Alex: I do not care. Please leave me alone.

Damon however doesn't leave and even gets a little closer.

Damon: How did you know Richard?

Alex: Not that it's any of your business old dude, but he was my uncle.

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