Chapter 4: Whoop That Vamp!

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Alexandra's Pov~

I'm suddenly shaking and awoken out of my lovely dream. I sit up and stare daggers at my father, the man who had the audacity to wake me up.

Alex: This better be good and you may live.

Dad backs away with his hands up nearly falling on his ass from all the laughing.

Dad: I had to.

Alex: You really didn't but I'm up now so what do you want.

Dad: We were invited to a BBQ at The Gilbert house, so get up and get dressed.

Alex: And what about Calyx? He returns today.

Dad: He's already here, I asked and he doesn't wanna go so he's gonna stay with your aunt and they are gonna do a little shopping and get some lunch.

Alex: Oh just a little? God that boys gonna get a whole new closet and then some.

Dad: Well he kinda needs one.

Alex: True, but aunt Carol spoils the crap out of him. No get out, I'll be ready in a little bit.

Dad leaves, allowing me my space so I can get my lazy ass up and get ready for the day. After procrastinating for a bit I finally get up and eventually get ready.

Once at the Gilbert's I ignore everyone and make my over to the best bitch ever. I instantly hug the crap out of Jenna, she's like an older sister/second mother to me.
(ᴊᴇɴɴᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀsᴏɴ ᴀʀᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅs, ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ sɪsᴛᴇʀ, ᴊᴇɴɴᴀ ɪs ᴇᴠᴇɴ Aʟᴇxᴀɴᴅʀᴀ's sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ɢᴏᴅᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ)

As I was catching up with Jenna, dad left and made his way into the kitchen to help Alaric. After talking, we decided it was finally time to go help the guys, well more like take over and fix everything they messed up. By time we were finishing up, Elena walked through the door. She tried to "help" but Jenna stopped her.

Jenna: Where have you been? I told you to be at 2:00 it's now nearly 4.

Elena: I was out, just walking.

Jenna: Just out walking? Were you with that boyfriend of yours what's his name? Steven?

Elena: His name is Stefan, aunt Jenna and no I wasn't with him because he's currently ignoring my calls.

Jenna: Mhm. Next time be here on time.

Elena: Why? It's not like it's started yet.

Jenna: Because I'm the adult that's why, when I tell you do something I want you to do it.

Silence, complete and deafening silence followed after, thankfully it was soon ended by my loud father who excitedly entered the kitchen.

Dad: I found the good stuff.

Jenna: What?! I hid that.

Dad: Ah but I got a nose for these kinds of things.

Jenna: That you do.

Elena: And that is my cue to exit.

Jenna: Don't go too far.

Elena rolls her eyes before leaving the kitchen.

Alex: I'm gonna go check on Jeremy, don't drink too much old man.

He walks over to me laughing, he pulls me into a hug and gives me a noogy.

Alex: Dad! You just wrecked up my hair.

He laughs some more, but stops as I give him a little smirk and zapping him with my powers. Instead of laughing he lets out a high pitched girly scream, but quickly tries to cover it up with a cough.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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