Chapter 2: And So It Begins.

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Alexandra's POV~

I was woken up to loud music blaring through the house, grumbling I get out of bed, I look over at the baby monitor screen and see my son still sleeping, so I quickly grab some close and take a quick shower. After my shower, I look at the baby screen again and get dressed, heading downstairs to rip someone a new one as it only 8 in the morning.

After finishing up I head downstairs, to see my dad and Tyler who are just running and chasing each other around. Once they see me they stop and try to catch their breath. As I make it over, I hear them talking about Ty and his anger issues.

Alex: What is with this loud music, Calyx is sleeping, and so help me if you wake him-

Suddenly I could sense a supernatural presence other than my dad. I quickly put my finger to my lips, before sending my magic out to feel where's it's coming from, after a few moments I pull my magic back and point towards Carol's Office.

Dad: What's going on?

Alex: I was coming down to complain but that can wait as I feel someone supernatural in Carol's office.

Dad: Are you sure-

Before dad could finish we all hear my aunts' office door open and then close, and a few seconds later Damon walks by not even noticing up and leaves.

Alex: I wonder what that was about. Why don't you two go a find out the easy way while I find out the ass kicking way.

Dad: Be careful.

Alex: Always am. Make sure you wake up Calyx before it's too late, I'll be back soon.

I leave and make my way over to the Salvatore Boarding house, When I get there I can sense Damon inside but I can also sense another supernatural who I'm guessing is Stefan. I walk up to the front door and knock. As I sense Damon walking towards the door I use my powers and blast the door into the house. I can hear both it and Damon crash into the wall. I walk in and make my way to the living room.

Alex: Hello Stefan, sorry about the mess but I told your bitch of a brother to stay the fuck away from my family. In case he didn't tell you I'm telling you, you both need to stay the fuck away. you must be stupid or maybe forgot but that goes for my Aunt as well. Stay away or die.

I turn to leave when I feel Stefan run up from behind me.

Alex: Don't even bother trying to attack me from behind, I could kill you before you even reach me.

Stefan: I highly doubt that.

Alex: I'm not here to fight, just trying to keep you and the other leeches away from my family. We wouldn't want a repeat of the gathering would we Damon?

Instead of heading my warning both vampires, speed towards me only to be stopped when I raise my hand. They look at me scared but that doesn't last long as I twist my arms and both brothers go down with broken necks.


After dealing the Salvatore's, I went home, and as I got there I ran into a returning Tyler, Dad and Calyx.

Alex: Fancy seeing you here. Where did you guys go?

Dad: To the grill, got lunch for little man and played some of the games.

Dad holds up Calyx and shows some stuffed animals they won. While Calyx does nothing but laugh, smile and drool.

Alex: Well I'm glad he had fun. What do you say we all go and watch a movie later?

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