Chapter 3: Dramarama.

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Alexandra's Pov~

I was barely away when I heard my door opening followed by footsteps and my son's laughter. I then hear someone trying to shush him, so I open my eyes and see Hades and Calyx, I pretend to be sleeping as they get closer to the bed I jump up and grab Calyx and attack him in kisses, it's music to my ears when his joyous laughter fills the air.

Alex: Hey Des, what brings you here.

Hades: Oh you know just checking up on my little loves, plus I get to break the rules doing it so that's a plus.

Alex: Of course anything to spite your brother. Now what are you really doing here.

Hades: Fine, I miss Calyx and was wondering if he could come with me for a little bit.

Alex: All you ever have to do is ask Des. Go pack him a bag while I get ready. Don't forget toys!

Hades: I would never- again.


After seeing both Calyx and Hades off I decided it was time to head downstairs. As I get down there I hear Tyler on the phone talking about throwing a party at Lockwood Estate, As I walk into the parlor I see Tyler off the phone and hear my dad and aunt Carol tell Tyler that he shouldn't but if he does that he needs to be very careful, Tyler of course says he will, he walks by me kissing me on the head and leaves.

Dad: Hey, did I hear Hades this morning?

Alex: You did, he was here to take Calyx for the week.

Dad: But-

Alex: I know you'll miss him but he'll be back.

Dad: Yea but it won't be the same.

Alex: Dad calm down, he will only be a little bit older.

Dad: A little?! He's 3 now! He's gonna be at least 6 maybe even 8.

Alex: Oh stop! It will be fine dad.

Dad: I know but he won't be my small bean anymore.

Alex: He will always be your small bean. Now move I'm hungry.

Dad: Let's go out and eat instead.

Alex: Lead the way.

We both walk outside and get into Dad's jeep. Once there, we are seated, our waitress comes over and hands us our menus.

Dad: So you wanna tell me happened last night.

Alex: Well, let's just say Damon is on thin ice not only do I hate him but so does Bonnie, she nearly killed him last night.

Dad: Why?

Alex: Well Caroline is now a vampire and Damon was gonna kill her. I stopped him and while doing so I showed him I was stronger than your average witch.

Dad: But you aren't a witch.

As I go to answer Tyler shows up and joins us, so I explain what happened once again.

Tyler: But you aren't a witch.

Alex: Ha, dad said the same thing. Anyways Damon doesn't know that, so let's just let him think that I am.

Tyler: Is he going to hurt us?

Alex: Never, I'd kill him before he ever laid a hand on any of you.

Mason: I'd kill him too, you and Calyx will always be safest people in the world, that we promise.

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