Story ARC Decision B

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You loved (Your love of choice). But you loved your people and country as well. It was time to be a hero, make your father proud, make (Your love of choice proud). You strapped the last of the grenades to yourself. Since the tank's armor was to tough to just throw them, you needed to get underneath it. 

You made your way to the front of the foxhole your men patting you on your shoulder and giving you their upmost respect. What you were about to do would go in the history books. 

In a final burst of adrenaline you yelled a war cry which signaled your men to give you cover fire. You darted out of the hole and ran full speed to the last enemy tank that would decimate your men and the line if you didn't stop it. You ran, crying out the most horrendous and terrifying war cry which startled the enemy. Unfortunately you were shot in the shoulder and chest, but you were to full on adrenaline and you slid underneath the enemy tank. With one final look at the world you closed your eyes and a tear came out only thinking about (Love of choice) as your life started flashing before your eyes. 


There it was. Your life and the enemy tank crew's as well. The tank had exploded to bits as you happened to be right under the ammunition rack causing a massive explosion, eventually saving the rest of your platoon.

You are dead. But your legacy is not. You are a Hero. A story that parents will tell their children about. 

(See Decision B End Reaction, to see your love's reaction) 

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