Story ARC Decision C

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You can't do anything about your situation. There is nothing left, no hope just death. So in your moment of lost hope you sing a final song to the end of your tune (Your life). 

( Wayfaring Stranger,  ) 

Y/N Sings.

You sing as it's the only thing left you have to do, but as you prepare for death a miracle occurs.  


There is silence. And the enemy stops, so does your side, and in a movie like scene, the enemy officer sings the same tune along with you. 

When you finish the song you step out of the foxhole, and the enemy officer does as well. You see him and he sees you. He is a older man, about 40. He looks at you with sadness in your face, you are so young and scared, he thinks why he must fight and kill the young in order to protect his country. You see his face and you think the same, such a experienced kind eyed man on a hardened painful battlefield. 

Enemy Officer: "That song was sung at my father's funeral." 

Y/N: "And appropriate song."

Enemy Officer: "Indeed" 

You reach your hand out to shake the man's hand and he complies giving you a firm handshake. 

Enemy Officer: "May I take a look at your men?"

You move out of the way for him and he approaches our hole cautiously only to be horrified. Dozens of men who look barely 18 scared and bloodied, some on their last breaths.

Enemy Officer: "How long have you been holding out here son?"

Y/N: "About 2 weeks." 

Enemy Officer: "Christ. I can't go and kill a bunch of helpless kids."

Y/N: "I respect that but we a cannot let you take this point."

Enemy Officer: "Kid, listen. If you don't get your men back to your line now many of them will die."

You look down, knowing his words to be true. A mission is a mission however, but the safety of your men is important. 

Enemy Officer: "Tell you what. If you go back we will go back too. My men are tired and beat up as well, I could say that there is a broken tree that stopped our armored division from advancing."

You thought for a moment, his excuse was very credible, the trees here are very old and it would not be hard to lie about it. So you decided to take him up on his offer, and you shook on it. 


You, your men, and the injured finally arrived at base. You told the C.O about the situation and he assured you of that they ran into the same division they would go easy on their capture. That is if they won the fight. You ended up getting the Purple Heart and many other accommodations. You finally could go home, and you men owed you everything. Well they owed it to luck. 

(See Decision C Reaction, to see your love's reaction) 

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