➽ Chapter Thirteen (+18)

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Gulf's POV


Three years went by in the blink of an eye, both me and Mew were concentrating on our studies being impatient to graduate and start living together, Mew's brother already got married and is waiting for his first child to be born, his family, even James's wife welcomed me and treated me like I'm one of them, Mew also is getting along pretty well with my family.

I was even more happy when our families met and they got along better than what I imagined, all my dark depressing years got washed away and it's really bright and shiny around me, I even learned how to communicate well with others which helped me blend in with the development team in the company... it's all thanks to Mew, he even searched and bought a condo for us

My love for him keeps getting stronger and deeper and it was surely the same for him, he even got jealous of my cousins who came to visit a couple of times, he gets so possessive of me and I strangely like it, it just assure me that I'm the only one for him, I won't deny that I sometimes gets a bit anxious thinking it's the effect of my eyes but his tender and loving kisses and warm soft hugs makes me relax and wash away all my worries

"Gulf, let's go on a trip, just Saturday and Sunday since you have work"

"I can skip Friday too, but what about you? Aren't you busy since it's your first year?"

"I exchanged shift with a co-worker, she needs the next weekend off for her husband's birthday and so she offered to take this weekend for me and I will take hers next week"

"that's great, where are we going?" he smiled

"it's a surprise" I sighed, he is always so secretive when he arrange trips or dates and he never let me do it except on his birthdays

"just don't over think and overwork yourself because of your plans, I just want to enjoy my time with you"

"we will have a great time and create many more beautiful memories, I promise" he said hugging me closer to him, I'm really so joyous of being with Mew and I really love him, I always told me him everything and he also is very honest with me, even when he gets jealous he tells me he is right away and I'm sure that's why our relationship is perfect yet, there is only one secret I'm hiding and I don't even know how to tell Mew about it, it's smth I discovered while finding a note stuck to one of my mother's diaries, I must tell Mew soon before we...


Thankfully, I managed to finish most of the important tasks on Thursday and finished the rest of the tasks for the week on the way to our destination so by the time we arrived I was completely free, I was surprised since we had to take the plane but I was stunned when we arrived, it was a place on top of my list of places I wanted to visit, Khao Sok National Park (A/N it's an enchanting place I found when searching online, I would love to visit it myself, for readers who doesn't know it I advice you to look it up, it's an amazing place ^^)

The resort Mew chose was almost in the middle of the breathtaking forest, our room has an extraordinarily view, honestly I was walking around speechless, the room was spacious with a king sized bed, a wide balcony from where I can see the thick green rainforest, the air was so fresh and clean that made me so calm and feel really happy, I was standing watching the view as Mew came from behind hugging me

"do you like it?"

"no words can express how much I love it, it must have been so hard and expensive to get this room and come here"

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