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Another four years has already passed with couple living happily together, after giving birth to their first child, they became a lovely family, news traveled fast when Gulf gave birth, he was again the center of attention for a while and many took their pictures that traveled around the social media, as expected the baby inherited Gulf red eyes but unlike before he was welcomed by the world assuring his parents that he won't suffer like Gulf before

Aside from that, the club that Gulf created surprisingly welcomed many members, the couple were stunned to meet all kind of people who were special, like there is this women who has a super vision, she actually has a rare condition called 'Tetrachromacy', she has the ability to see 100 million colors. She can also see colors in the Ultraviolet and UV range (A/N this one really exist)

Gulf was more surprised by the 12 years old boy who also has a unique eyes color, a Tuscany yellow eyes, his parents encouraged him to join in, he was terrified and worried at first yet seeing how everyone welcomed him and personally seeing Gulf's eyes made him relax and even blend in, there was also this 9 years old girl who made everyone speechless, she has a perfect memory, she remember everything for the age of one, she even recall things that her mother doesn't

The club meant a lot for everyone, it was like a second home to them where they could completely relax and be happy and peaceful that was only a dream for all those special unique people which is why the club is named 'Dream Home', people helping and encouraging each other, solving problems together and also would gather once in a while to have fun.

For the rest of the people, they all started being more open minded and accepted those special people, treating them like any normal person, well, thee still exist some who are still look weirdly at them but it didn't matter for Gulf, all he wants is for his son to live normally like the others with no bullying or getting ignored


"let's go on a couple trip this time baby" Mew suggested after putting their son to sleep

"you really enjoy going out don't you?"

"of course, I love exploring and visiting all kind of places, but I also promised to take you and show you the world too"

"just exploring our country is already enough" Gulf said smiling, it was like this for them, every 3-4 mouths, the couple would go for a trip on the weekend, they would also go on family trips too, other times, they leave their son with one of their families and would enjoy their time alone being lovey-dovey even though they were both busy at work.

Gulf is already assisting his father learning work from his father before taking over the company, he is liked by everyone and all employees respect him and recognize him as an intelligent skillful future president, well, Gulf worked so hard to earn his position, even though he was busy taking care of his son, he still did his best wanting to keep the company at the top.

On the other hand, Mew also got famous as an excellent pediatrician, he even studied farther and started assisting in children surgeries and joined in researches for children's severe illnesses' medicines, his hard work and kindness earned him the admiration by all patients and their families, even his parents are very proud of him, even though he was occupied, he always makes time for his precious family

"you are always busy and exhausted Mew, it's better if you relax and just laze around this weekend"

"I can relax at wherever place we are going to, going out is a chance for me to freshen up, besides, I want to enjoy a private time with you, I want to be a great husband and a loving father, you are my beloved family that I will spend the rest of life with"

"you are a perfect husband and the best father that could ever exists, thank you for everything you are doing for us"

"I should be thanking you for this beautiful happy life you gave me, it's you who awakened my passion for my work, my love for you, and you even created a family with me which I never imagined before, my life wouldn't be the same if we hadn't met"

"the same for me Mew, if you didn't approach me or if you gave up on me, I'm sure I would be living alone in a cold dark world with no hope or happiness"

"we are meant for each other and nothing else matter now that we are together" Mew said holding Gulf closer connecting their lips in sweet chaste kisses, their love grew deeper and it's still growing, they both were overjoyed enjoying their dates and second by each other's side, and having a son made the house livelier and shinier

By the weekend, the couple went to their private trip, they discovered a great place next to a beach, they enjoyed their time as if it was their first trip, many recognized them and snapped pictures of them, the happy couple never paid attention and kept swimming and exchanging kisses and hugs in public, their aura made everyone smile around them, they are an idol couple that anyone would want to be like them with their lovers

It goes without saying that the trip ended up with them enjoying a hot sexy night melting into each other's embrace not thinking of anyone but themselves and without holding back, so it was so normal to find out that Gulf was pregnant with their second child two months later after that trip

"I can't believe we are already having our second child" Gulf said after coming back from his check up, Mew smiled gently touching his tummy

"well, we didn't hold back so it's expected after doing it almost all night" Gulf blushed a little

"I couldn't resist your seductive eyes and touches and your kisses made me lose all control"

"you can't blame me, I was the first to be seduced by your cute smile and sweet smell, not to mention that your body kept inviting me and I couldn't refuse"

"well it doesn't matter, we already did it and our cute baby is on his/her way to our life"

"thank you my love for bringing our two little miracles to life"

7 months later, their second child was born, it was a very cute princess, she also had scarlet eyes which made her even more cuter, she was so loved by the doctors and nurses as much as her brother when he was born, the news traveled around and many sent gifts to the happy family who were so delighted and joyous...

"our story began with me loving red things"

"me being born with red eyes"

"and being reunited by the red thread of fate"

"that's truly our fate's color"


Thank you my dear reader for following my story until the end ^^

Thank you for your votes and comments and for being patient since I couldn't upload everyday

I hope you enjoyed this story

See you next one!!!

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