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the last few chapters were based off of real places and experiences i had , such as the art gallery . i went to california in the summer of 2014 . i also visited L.A. and Las Vegas , oh and by the way , we traveled by car . it took almost 4 days to get there since it was a LONG way from here in canada to there . anyways , I kept going to this beach in Cali that had a small movie theatre , a few ice cream shops , and a lot of clothing stores + art galleries . there were also many {fancy} restaurants , with really good Mediterranean food . i even remember that they sold churros , which don't exist here ( im pretty sure ) .  they are these sticks coated with cinnamon and they taste sooo good . so , i happened to enter this one art gallery , which contained creatures of the sea . overall it was really amazing , and i miss it :( .

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