SCP-527 is a male humanoid, 1.67m in height, which is biologically non-anomalous, with the exception of its head, which is that of a Puntius semifasciolatus, or gold barb fish.
SCP-527 displays no other anomalous qualities. The head of SCP-527 functions the same as the head of any other non-anomalous human.
SCP-527 is capable of typical human speech. A tattoo reading "Mr. Fish, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" appears on the bottom of its left foot.
Headcanon:Mr.Fish does not eat fish because to him it is cannibalism and he finds it rather rude when people eat fish around him.
SCP Headcanons
FanficI really love the SCP foundation and I wanted to show you guys /gals / non-binary pals what I think. I do not own any pictures and videos shown, nor to I own any SCP. I don't know why some of these came to mind.