Chapter Two

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I was sitting in the library reading some new books. Since the new shipment of books came in, I couldn't be separated from them considering I had read the old ones many MANY times.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Norman walking towards me at a medium pace. It was just us in the library because everyone else was asleep. I started to wonder why Norman wasn't asleep..

He soon came to a stop once he reached the table I was sitting at and took a seat next to me.

"Hey?" I asked wondering what he was doing awake.

"I couldn't sleep." He responded in a low voice that was almost a whisper.

"Oh, well I was just reading some of the newer books and-" I was suddenly stopped and stared at Norman. He was smirking but I hadn't really said anything. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I continued.

"Like what?" he answered.

"Like that, with the grin on your face." This time he didn't respond with words. His hand moved from the table to my thigh.
"UHM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Norman didn't say anything and his hand began traveling up my thigh and up to my waist.
"WHAT THE HELL DUDE!?" I shot up out of my seat and he followed. I wasn't sure what to do, I was so confused on what was happening. Suddenly Norman pinned me to the wall by one of the bookshelves and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened as if they were about to pop out of my head. 'WHAT AM I DOING?!' I didn't think and just went along with it. I began kissing him back. We kissed until I forced him off of me gasping for air. I didn't want to stop. I didn't know what this feeling was, but I liked it. I liked it a lot..

"-AY!! RAY!!! RAY WAKE UP!!" Emma yelling in my ear.

"HUH WHAT?!" I reacted.

"Time to wake up and get some breakfast!" She smiled.

"Oh uh yeah, i'll be right there. You go on without me." 'Was I dreaming that whole thing? I'm almost positive that is NOT a normal dream you have about your friend. I'm not gay though.... Right?'

I got up and fixed my hair and went to the dinning area for breakfast. Today was eggs and toast, my favorite!
I sat eating my breakfast and thinking about what had gone on in my head during my dream. I don't think that was normal. 'I like girls, not boys.' I repeated that a bunch of times until I was cut off by Norman.

"Goodmorning Ray!" Norman said cheerfully. I immediately looked up and saw who was talking to me. Oh no...

"Oh u-uh goodmorning to y-you too." I stuttered with my face on fire, I could only imagine what it looked like... a tomato...

"Ray are you alright, you look like you're going to be sick." He placed his hand on my forehead "Oh my, your face is burning, maybe you should go lay down."

"No n-no i'm fine, i promise." My face redder than ever.

"Are you sure, you don't look fine."

"I said i'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Alright..." He looked worried but he continued eating his food. Thank the lords I was safe.


Ray was acting a bit odd today.. He looked sick and that worried me, I didn't want him to be sick. The past couple of days I feel like he has been avoiding me and it's kind of making me sad. Does he not want to talk to me? Or see me? I wonder what I did wrong.  I hope he's not mad at me.

I went outside to go find Ray under the tree because I know he's usually reading there. If he wasn't there then I would check the library but sure enough he was under the tree. His hair was as dark as the night sky and his eyes were a dark green but they were still glowing. I never realized how amazingly beautiful he was, especially in the light of the luminous moon.

I've had a small crush on him for a while now but I know that he has a crush on Emma. It was obvious, he would avoid me and go find Emma. He's probably straight too so I had no chance with him..
I began to approach him very quietly to scare him. This probably wasn't the best idea but.. Oh who am I kidding? This is going to end up horrible. But did I care? No....
No I did not.

I proceeded to sneek behind him and then I yelled 'BOO' in his ear while giving him a little push. The boy jumped so high and turned around without looking and punched me in the face.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SCARED ME!" He yelled back with his face getting a little pink again.

"It was supposed to be funny.." I touched my nose a bit to see if it was bleeding..

"Look i'm sorry, but next time you don't need to scare me like that."

"No, i'm sorry too. What are you doing out here anyways?" I asked

"Just reading." Ray answered turning away from me.

"Haha, you're always reading. When are you ever not?"

"Uh, I don't know. Uhm, I should go see if Emma is awake.."

"When are you going to confess?" I asked looking at Ray dead in the eye not breaking eye contact.

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