Chapter 19 - Quackity

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I was going to publish this yesterday but I slacked off and played video games lol also today (March 17 2021) Quackity's DSMP lore was just the best.

I'm proud of that man and what he's doing like I didn't even know he could do that type of stuff.

I remember he was just a fellow guy on youtube, didn't really know a lot of people, just streamed with 2 other people all the time (-2019).

Imma just take a moment to process his masterpiece lmaooo

Warning: Long chapter

"Looks like it's raining today," I heard Karl sigh as he leans against the bookshelves that are nailed to the wall and stares outside the window where droplets of rain fall down, "I wonder if Schlatt will make through today in this weather."

I dropped the letter I was holding on the table that is filled with a bunch of paper that is important and went to look outside the window as well and ended up with me rolling my eyes, "Oh come on Karl, It's not that bad. A bit of rain isn't going to kill you."

Karl shrugged his shoulders and turned his body to pick out a book and slipped it out of it's slot. His hand slid down the hardcover until his finger was pricked to the bottom of the edge and opened it. "Have you read this book I've written lately?" Karl asked me, flipping it over to me.

I read the huge bolded words on the second page, squinting my eyes, Tales of the Haunted Mansion. I looked back at Karl and shook my head. "Not at all, go ahead and tell me about it anyways. I'm fine with spoilers if that's what you're worried about."

"I wrote it right after I came back from the near future. It was really strange but at the same time, not really. It was like I was future me and knew way more information than I do at this moment.

It was all really about someone I knew checking out a mansion with some other people, nothing about that seemed right to me so I left. It made me uneasy."

As I nodded to every word he said, Karl placed back the book on the bookshelf. Karl told me how he's able to time travel through different periods of time in the years.

He's told me he's mostly ever gone to the future, not as much as to the past. Karl doesn't time travel all the time, he says he's not ready for the exploration yet.

Whenever he does come back, I see him nosed up in a book he's always carrying around. It's a book that has a purple and green mixed gem glowing with sparkles in the middle and the coverings are brown leather. His eyes scan right to left on every paragraph, scanning and mesmerizing the words.

"What about that book?" I point at the book that is in his pouch hanging down by his side. "Anything new that you've learned or written down?"

Karl looked down at the book, grabbing a hold of it, and held it close to his chest.

I've noticed Karl only ever wears the same clothes from time to time such as wearing a renaissance long jacket with the sleeves rolled up along with his mixed color hoodie that has a green swirl right in the center and lelinta cooper steampunk goggles that have these spikes and green lenses are hung loosely around his neck.

"There's something written in a whole different language and for the past few months, I have been trying to figure out what it could mean," Karl sighs. "There hasn't been much luck. I have this feeling inside me that this could be important."

"Ah don't worry about it, it's probably not important. The only thing that's important right now Karl, is running a business and gaining money.

You can do all your little time travel stuff but don't forget our main objective here, alright? We're not here to stall around all day long."

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