Chapter 2 - Tommy

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It's been four days since I ran away from home, four days since I've been in hiding. I feel myself getting sick by the minute as I walk around the city through cold-chilly air.

As gross as it may seem - to feed me - I look through the garbage that people throw away. My stomach growled with hunger and I can barely walk from the number of times my body wants to shut down.

I just want to go back home.

If there's even a home to go back to.

I felt something wet hit on my face and trail down my nose. I wiped at it and felt it was water, I looked up to the grey clouded sky to see more dribbles of water plop down and then more started to come down.

It's already cold and chilly and I'm freezing with no warmth of clothes and it's raining!

"Much luck to me..." I muttered to myself.

I quickly go towards a building that has a little porch with a roof on it and keep myself sheltered under there. It's cold but at least I won't have myself covered in rain and getting sick the next morning.

I sat down on the floor and curled myself into a ball. I grip onto my arms tightly and felt my nails dig into my skin.

I really have nowhere to go, I'm alone, I'm hungry. I don't know if I'll survive on my own. By next week I'd probably be dead for the rats on the street to eat me up.

I bury my head between my legs and shut my eyes as I listen to the rain splatter on the porch roof. From inside the building behind me, I heard chatter and enjoyable laughs.

Those people are inside with food, clothes, family... They're lucky that they hadn't screwed up in this survival world otherwise they'd be dead with blood pouring out of themselves and their lifeless eyes still opened up wide and having no target of a view to look at.

"You there," I heard a voice that is deep, must be a fellow male. Why would I care? No one has bothered to look at me nor talk to me. "The kid that's shivering."

This time I looked up to see someone and my eyes met back with brown eyes, two curved horns on either side of his head, and ragged white fur. This man looks like a satyr — I mean he is but he's wearing a brown jerkin with a warm looking black cloak.

Look at me, I have nothing but thin layers of clothes.

"What's a kid like you doing out here? Don't you have a home? A mother to go back to?"

I shake my head at the questions and he frowns which he then starts to walk up to me. From the muddy path, I can hear it squoosh every time he took a step.

I got nervous at the beats of seconds. I don't know this guy and he might try and kill me, better yet, work for Sapnap. I really hope he doesn't. I don't want to die.

He stopped an inch away from me and reached for his bag he was carrying on his back and pulled out some kind of fabric.

He pulled the whole thing out and he motioned me to grab it. It's the same cloak he's wearing right at the moment.

The cloak that's warm looking, cozy...

I reached out my hand, hesitated then grabbed it and quickly put it on myself. I wrapped my arms around my waist and sighed from relief. I looked at the man and said, "Thank you."

He gave me a smile and told me, "Don't worry about it."

He started to leave but I called out to him again, "Wait!" He turned around.

"Where are you heading off to?"

"If you're asking me to take you with me - that'll be a bad idea. Where I'm going, It's dangerous for a kid like you."

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