Chapter 1 - Tommy

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I ran out of the front door of my home and didn't look back once and I didn't think I'd want to if I knew the sight would be horrid. Like every day, I do my normal routine. I wake up, clean myself up, head down to feed the farm animals, eat with my mother, and a bit of free time after.

However, today isn't a normal day. There's a king that rules around the land that I live in. The kingdom that he lives in is called Obsidian. It is a rather strange name but the kingdom so happens to live on top of obsidian, that's why it's called The kingdom of Obsidian!

King Dream and his fellow friends that follow on behind him are all loyal to him and him only. I stood afar from the kingdom once and stood there for a solid minute. The sky had been a mix of colours: yellow, pink, orange, a bit of purple.

The wind blew through my hair and leaves on the ground flew away. I crawled myself up to a grassy hill near a wooden trail and thought back to moments before times started to get hectic.

I used to have a friend named Sapnap, well, that's his nickname. No one really knows his real name but he prefers his nickname instead. He is a bit older than me for me to be friends with but I don't know many people around the town; Pearhollow.

Pearhollow is the city that I live nearby and is often busy, actually, scratch that, it's always busy.

There are people that visit, there are people that live in houses there, there are people going around markets to purchase items of all sorts, there are people that go to taverns at midnight and don't leave 'till the sun comes up again.

Supnap and I talked day to day, we had cool adventures and looked through creepy looking caves that no one would dare enter even if their life depended on it. I really thought he'd be my friend to the very end until one-day news spread around that things were changing.

The kingdom is recruiting soldiers to fight in a battle. People around the same age as Sapnap. A fight between The kingdom of Obsidian and The Fortress of Argenfort. Though it's really called Forteresse d'Argenfort in french.

Before King Dream, his father had been alive and ruled peacefully, at least, sometimes. I don't know as much but all I can say is that hell broke loose and the King died to his death in his son's arms.

That was only a year ago.

Sapnap stopped talking to me, he stopped coming by to say a small hello to me, he disappeared. The one time I did see him was outside of his home, getting ready to leave somewhere. He had bags and a suitcase with him in his hand and I wondered where he was going.

He wouldn't leave me without saying anything, would he?

He never did.

I watched him as he headed off towards the wooden trail and that was last year. I haven't seen him since until today.

I live alone with my mother by a lakeshore. There were no houses around us or anything, only a nearby city just a few blocks away from my home. Every morning that I'd wake up, I hear the rooster crowing, and as must as I would say I hated it to death, I will miss it.

I will miss it because I'll never get to wake up to a sun shining onto my face through the thin curtains, I'll never get to see my best friend whose an animal named Henry ever again, I'll never see my mother smile at me again.

The picture of her smiling in my head is constantly being repeated as I look underneath the stars in the cold-chilling air with no roof under my head, no shelter to warm up in, no nothing. I'm absolutely, completly alone in a world where I do not think I will survive in.

Sapnap came back and didn't say a word to my mother who had answered the knock on the door. I peaked around the corner from where my bedroom is at and found that Sapnap wasn't the same friend I met long ago.

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