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It's dark.. I wonder why. 

Perhaps my eyes are closed? 


No, They're open, I think. 

Maybe I'm in a box? Or a locker? Or I'm unconscious?

Was I kidnapped? ...

No.. I wasn't kidnapped. I blacked out. Why did I black out? 




I can't remember. 

Why can't I remember? Too many questions.. 

My name, What's my name? 

Mako? Ma- Mas- Ah, That's right, Masako Suzuki. That's my name. 

I'm so sorry, I'm trying to make this less confusing but the more I do that, The more confusing it gets 😭.

"Squeeze!!" Someone giggled. I could feel something squeezing my cheeks. "Quit it.." I whispered while swatting it away. 

"Huhh?? You were awake?" They whined. 

"No,, I just woke up I guess." I opened my eyes to find a person hovering above me. I immediately examined myself and the person above me. I had long dark blue hair, and (The image is Masako's outfit!!). The person by me had two bandages on her face, one on her cheek and one under her eye. She wore ripped dark blue stockings, the same shade of blue as her shirt with bubbles floating on it, a brown belt, and a black coat. Her hair was a nice shade of dark brown and was styled half up and half down, It was a nice fit if I do say so myself.

"Oh right! I haven't introduced myself yet. My names Kaoru, and I'm the Ultimate Skateboarder! I earned the title of bubbles because of the way I skate!" Kaoru exclaimed.

"..Just Kaoru?" I asked, Then she nodded.

"Right.. I'm Masako Suzuki, The Ultimate Investigator." I mumbled. 

Kaoru's eyes lit up with excitement, "Oki dokie! Now that we know each other, let's explore like those ghost hunting people!" 

"Pardon?" I asked while she frowned. "I said,,,, let's explore!" 

As we both sat up, I looked around, It looked like an abandoned classroom. Though, The floor/ceiling doesn't look like it's gonna collapse yet, so that must mean this building isn't that old, or it's being renovated with us inside. We both exited the classroom looked at our surroundings. 'Gosh, I never expected an abandoned place to be this dirty yet clean.' I thought. 

The hall way had about 2 classrooms on each side, Not to mention the fact that most floor boards looked very flimsy. There were windows connected to the classrooms, though It was very dirty and hard to look through. The lights looked like it was about to collapse at any second, and some looked sturdy enough to hold a few water bottles. Luckily, it was enough to see. 

"Hey Suzuki-San!! Let's go in this classroom!" Kaoru called out. I walked towards her and watched as she carelessly walked in. After she was inside, I walked in. 

"Huuuuuh? Someone else has fallen asleep? Or perhaps she's dead?" She wondered. 

I'm leaving this for the next chapter 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 ahahaha, not really a cliffhanger though. 🙁

Words: 395

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