Chapter 13 : False Conclusions

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•29 May 2021•

"I ASKED YOU TO DO A SINGLE THING. WAS IT TOO HARD?" Jin yelled as he ran his hand through his now messy hair. After dropping Jimin off at the infirmary, the first thing you did was to call Jin and ask him to come over at school during your lunch break. Jin arrived approximately an hour after your call and quickly rushed to the rooftop where you asked him to arrive.

You had just finished telling him whatever happened between you and the maknae line boys and the first reaction he gave to this whole mess was not very pleasing neither what you were expecting. You knew he would be disappointed and angry at you, but this much to yell at top of his lungs?

"I-I got carried away during our argument. He tried to bring up my parents so -"

"So you said the one thing I asked you to keep a secret? Are you out of your senses? I tried to trust you Eunjae, but i regret it now!" He said cutting you off with his loud voice making you flinch and your eyes tear up. He regrets it. He regrets opening up to you. 'Why can't you make someone happy for once Eunjae?'

"I-I didn't mean it. I swear. It wasn't my intention and I'm really sorry." You said trying hard not to cry and make the scene even worse.

"Your sorry won't fix it. You just made them hate you more. You just lost my trust." His words somehow made your heart clench but you had something to say.

"Why can't you look from my point of view? If bringing up the topic about your sister hurts you then the same goes for me and the death of my parents." You said you eyes directly meeting his.

"Your case is different Eunjae. They didn't betray you plus you had chances to save them and you lost that." He said making your eyes widen. He knew it. They all knew it. The half truth. First Taehyung and now Jin. Do they enjoy seeing you suffering, drowning in guilt of your parent's death?

Realising what he just spoke, Jin was about to apologize but you were faster than him.

"Thanks for reminding me about my past Jin-ssi. You know what... " You tried to speak as tears came pouring down as waterfall from your eyes and your throat suddenly becoming dry. Taking a deep breath and running your tongue over your lips, you started speaking again. "I was planning to tell you my past tonight. I-I was........ I was planning to tell you my side of the story."

"Eunjae I -"

"No no! Listen first. I thought you're different from others. That you won't judge me on the basis of half truth. I thought you'll understand me after knowing what actually happened... " A whimper left your mouth but you bit your lower lip to hold them back and continue. "But seems like you're just like all others. If you have already jumped into conclusions then there is no point of telling you anything else." You finished with your lips quivering as you were struggling to hold in your cries. You wanted to run away again. Cause that's all you know. Running away whenever you're weak.

"I'm sorry Eunjae. I didn't mean to say that."

Wiping away the tears you released a shaky breath and looked at him again. "Jimin is the infirmary. You can meet him there. I have my classes so I'll be taking my leave." And you left, leaving him there regretting on his words.

They are all fucking same. Judging you without knowing anything, jumping on conclusion from the half received rumoured information. Making you feel guilty for not being able to save your parents. Throwing you into that dark pit of depression as soon as you start to improve.

"WHAT DID YOU YOU DO TO HIM? HOW DID HE END UP UNCONSCIOUS?" You were suddenly banged on the lockers while a hand was tightly gripped around your neck choking you badly.

"Lea-ve me... " You tried to speak while your voice box was being pressed between his hand making it difficult for you to even take a breath.

You slapped his arms, gripped his hand and tried to pull it away and even scratched his wrist but all went in vain. His grip was too strong and the lose of breathes was making your body too weak.

"You fucking bitch. How dare you hurt my brother." Namjoon said as he gripped your neck stronger making your eyes blurry and his muscles flex. Shit! You can't handle it..... It's black. Everything is turning black.

"I-I didn't... " You said you legs now kicking his. Your nails still scratching his wrists and arms.

"SHUT UP. HE'S UNCONSCIOUS BECAUSE OF YOU. I'LL KILL YOU." His other hand now too came to choke your neck while your eyelids began to close.

"KIM NAMJOON" Yoongi came running and landed a hard punch directly on Namjoon's jaw making him stumble back due to this unexpected attack, his hands leaving your neck.

Feeling air go into your lungs again you started taking deep breathes while coughing really bad. You felt two arms holding you, preventing your body to fall down as a hand rubbed your back in a soothing manner. But your coughs weren't ready to stop and the pain in your neck was so stinging that you felt as if you were about to die.

"Eunjae, take deep breathes. It's fine... Inhale... Good. Deeper... Now exhale. Very good. You're doing so good." You recognized the voice as Hoseok's who was encouraging you to get back to your normal state, helping you normalise your breathes.

"HOW YOU DARE TOUCH HER?" Yoongi said as he gripped the younger's collar and landed one punch completely ignoring the blood oozing out of Namjoon's lips.

"She tried to hurt him." Namjoon blurted his voice now low, respecting his hyung in front of him. He came rushing to the school along with Hoseok and Yoongi as soon as he got a call from Jungkook informing about Jimin's unconscious condition.

Reaching the college infirmary, the first thing he asked was the name of the culprit and Taehyung without explaining the whole situation just blurted one name. Eunjae. That's all that took Namjoon to run towards the locker area in search of Eunjae. How dare she touch his brother, how dare she hurt his Jimin.

"She didn't! She didn't even touch him. She was the one to take him to the infirmary Namjoon. That brat hurted his own self." Suga said through his teeth gritted as he released Namjoon's collar pushing him.

"HYUNG! She isn't breathing properly."


Ohhhh! This is getting dramatic now. Kekeke...

How was the chapter swirlies? We are not too far from 1k read... God, I love you all so much❤❤

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