Chapter 50 : Ashes

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•25 July 2021•


With a harsh pull the seat belt got ripped into two and feeling of relief rushed inside his body. Without giving anything a second thought, both you and Jungkook acted fast and got out of the car. He grabbed your shaking hands into his veiny one's and pulled you along with him towards the opposite direction of car. You were still analyzing the situation when Jungkook pushed you to the wall and allowed his body to cover yours, his hands pushing your head into his chest.

The next thing your heard was a loud blast, a few grunts of pain coming out of his mouth and what followed it was a deafening silence. Your eyes were tightly shut with your head snuggled into the chest of the guy who was hugging you like his life depended on it. Your hands were tightly clutching on his shirt from the front and the only thing that your ears were able to hear was a constant ringing, a string of silence yet a sound.

You felt the heat, excessive heat, all around you as if it was burning up your skin. Taking in a shaky breathe you opened your eyes, which were still the home to tears that were flowing down your cheeks, and raised your head. You saw Jungkook who too had his eyes tightly shut and brows furrowed but before you could ask him something he spoke up.

"D-don't look... " His voice held pain and you wondered why. Ignoring what he just said your eyes wandered to peep from above his shoulders and what you saw cause you to let out a whimper.

The car where you once sat was next to vanished as all you could see was the deadly flames of orange and yellow mixing into each other, fighting to gain the dominance. The place was on fire which gave you the explanation about the heat stroke, there was nothing left but just ashes. You felt a sudden pain in your throat because of the cries that you were trying to suppress as you looked at Jungkook again. His eyes were still closed and you felt his grip on you falling weak before his head fell on your shoulder.

"J-Jungkook? What h-happe–" The words got stuck in your throat as you saw patches of red liquid on his back and a few metal parts on the ground. Instantly getting the situation you held his shoulders and made him sit on the ground but that only made the boy yell out in pain. You heard faint sound footsteps approaching you from behind but they didn't faze you for your main focus was the guy in front of you.

"H-how...What were you...Oh my god! I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING RUN FROM THERE! I TOLD YOU TO– " You broke into tears, unable to finish off the words you were about to let out on him. 'Fucking Stubborn' you thought but wasn't stable enough to speak out.

"Miss, let us take him to the hospital. He needs to be treated as soon as possible." You heard someone say as a few other people picked Jungkook up and made him lay down on a strecher.

The younger cried in pain and the sight made you want to never stop crying. They made you climb into the ambulance and you gave a last glace to the scene. All you saw was fire and you realised that if wasn't for Jungkook you would also be nothing but the ashes that would remain.


As soon as you all arrived at the hospital, Jungkook was rushed in the Emergency Room for his wounds to be treated while you were taken to a different one to have a check up. They told you he wasn't in his best conditions and that his back was the most affected. It faced the blast directly and if it wasn't enough then a few parts of the car also flew in his direction and hit him.

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