Chapter 17 : Lashed out Anger

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•31 May 2021•

Let. Me. Die. Such simple words they are right? They say three magical words. But these three words weren't magical. They were nightmare, a nightmare for the people who love you and care for you. How simple these three words are to say for a person willing to end his life but they are impossible to imagine for one's to whom these are said.

He can't let you die. Oh fuck it. He can't even imagine you trying to kill yourself. He has seen it enough, enough that even hearing those words are all that is needed for him to get his heartbeats accelerated to their maximum level. Afterall he has seen his brothers going through all this. He still remembers how he rushed to the hospital with Hoseok on his back when he found him covered with blood in his room. He can never forget the crying face of Jungkook sitting in front of operation theatre, while Taehyung was being treated inside when he jumped off the window of his room. He still remembers the sleepless nights he spent with Taehyung fearing that his TaeTae will try to do something stupid again.

"Never. I'll never let you do that." He said with shaky breathes as he gripped you more strongly within his arms. You'll be safe there, right? If he won't ever leave you then you won't be able to hurt herself.

"But it hurts Yoongi. It hurts so much, the pain isn't fading away even a bit" You said as you cried in his arms for the third time you met him. You knew it was a stupid question to ask, it was something that even Taehyung won't agree to. But that was the only thing in your mind.

"I know, I know Eunjae. But you can share the pain right? I'm here. I'll listen to everything you have to say." Breaking the hug he gently cupped your face with both his hands. "You'll tell me, right?"

He's willing to listen to you. He's willing to share you pain. His eyes, they show nothing but worry and care. Your brother. Your brother who'll protect you, save you from the pain, pull you out of the darkness. The one who'll fill in colours to your blue and grey life.

You nodded slightly as a small smile crept on his face.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME HYUNG. YOU FUCKING TOLD HER EVERYTHING?" The loud voice of Taehyung echoed through the conference room of the mansion where all the members except Yoongi and Jungkook were gathered.

They all came here after receiving a text message from Namjoon for an important meeting. The only members to whom the message was not sent were Jungkook and Yoongi. No one knew what it was about, but soon the confusion was cleared when Namjoon started interrogating Jin. It was to clear out the confusion of whether what Eunjae said in the store-room was correct or not. All that was needed for Taehyung to burst up like this was a yes from Jin.


The air in the room was so heavy and suffocating, as if they both were ready to beat the shit out of each other whenever they get a chance. They didn't really got a chance to talk about all this in the school as Jimin was rushed to hospital by Tae, Jungkook left for his classes and the other members left for their respective jobs.

As expected, no one except Yoongi and Hoseok came to check upon Eunjae. Other members out of anger whereas Jin out of disappointment. No doubt he was feeling guilty for what he said to Eunjae, but he was much more disheartened over the fact that she broke his trust and instead of talking everything out left abruptly.

He wasn't wrong. It took him so much strength to open up to someone other than his brothers, so much efforts to trust someone again after all these years. No matter what the circumstances were, she broke her trust and he had no plans to forgive her any time soon.

"Hyung, you should have at least asked from us. How could you just trust her and tell her everything? It hasn't even been a whole months since we met her." Hoseok spoke up making Taehyung and Jin to break the glaring eye contact.

"Hoseok is right. We deserved to know it. How could you break the promise we made as if it was nothing. You should have had a meeting atleast." Namjoon said joining in the conversation.

"Oh no no... Why would he Namjoon hyung? He's the ultimate hyung right? He'll do whatever he wish." Taehyung said in sarcastic tone followed by a scoff. He was surely forgetting the respect and that was boiling Jin's blood.

"Tae! Stop it now. You don't even know what you're speaking anymore. At least hear out what hyung has to say. " Jimin stepped forward and patted Taehyung's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"OH SHUT UP JIMIN! HE DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE BEING CALLED A HYUNG. WHAT HAS HE EVEN DONE FOR US? COOK FOOD? WE CAN HIRE A FUCKING SERVANT FOR THAT. ALL HE DO ALL DAY IS HAPPILY LIE IN HIS OFFICE, ENJOY ALL THE PRIVILAGES OF BEING THE CEO. A POSITION HE GOT ONLY BECAUSE HE'S THE ELDEST EVEN IF HE DIDN'T DESERVE IT." Taehyung spitted completely unaware of how his every word is affecting Jin. The anger of Kim boys was so deadly to take over their minds and then spit out whatever comes in their mouth.

Namjoon stood up from the chair in an attempt to beat the shit out of Taehyung and make him realise what he is saying but Jin had another plans. He held him back and eyed the younger to let him hear whatever Taehyung has to say. He wanted to know how his dongsaeng felt about him.

"Taehyung you're crossing the line. Stop it now."

"Oh please Hobi hyung! You know it too that the only reason he takes care of us is because he wants to be Mom and Dad's favourite son. HE WANTED TO GET THAT FUCKING POSITION. And what else has he done huh? He has always been the favourite child to get all the love and attention. It's always Jin for Dad. And he? He just loves Jungkook. He never really cared for us. HE'S JUST A HYUNG FOR NAME. HE DOESN'T DESERVE BEING CALLED A HYUNG AFTER WHAT HE HAS DONE."

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG! SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I WON'T HESITATE TO SNATCH THAT TONGUE OF YOURS." The new aggressive voice was heard in the room. The members turned to be greeted by a furious Yoongi, who had blood shot eyes with anger clearly written over his face, standing at the door.

Before proceeding to Eunjae's past, Yoongi thought it was better to calm her body first and hence decided to sing her a song. But that tired girl fell asleep even before the song got finished. Tucking her under the sheets, he softly brushed the baby hair off her face and left the room. But the light coming from the top floor caught his eyes and he went upstairs to only see all the members gathered in their meeting room.

Though he was upset earlier about the fact that he failed to get to know Eunjae's past but now he can't be more thankful that she fell asleep. He was surely needed here more than anything to put some sense into Taehyung's brain.

"You don't even know how much he has given up for you Taehyung."


Hey Swirlies,
Tell me how the chapter was and don't forget to check out my other book STAY-THE STORY OF A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP.


Your Overtalented Author


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