Chapter 27 : Attack Of Words

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•4 June 2021•

The hall was silent, the boys now standing in front of the glass window that gave a clear view of Jungkook's condition. Miserable. That was the only state which could describe them. They all were looking miserable, some crying silently while some letting their tears fall freely, not even trying to hold up the stereotypical boys don't cry guard.

You somehow diverted your attention from Jungkook's unconscious form and allowed your eyes to study the other 6 members present in the room. You could only imagine how hard and painful it must have been for them to look at their youngest brother lying in the hospital bed, with various machines supporting him. You weren't even close to him, yet you were crying and the one's who have seem him grow, how must they be feeling? Were they feeling the same emotions which you encountered 1year and 6 months ago?

"H-hyung... " You finally heard the dry and hoarse voice of the person who was behaving like a literal living dead from past hour. He was still at the same place, sitting on the floor with one of his legs brought up to his chest while the other spread out straight in front of him. His eyes were still on the floor, as if he was afraid to look up and face others.

But Why?

Before your mind can find a valid answer for this question, you saw Jin storming towards Taehyung, holding his collar making the boy stand and then pinning him to the wall. His eyes were hooded by his now messy bangs but the emotions they were showing were not hard to make out. Anger.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL HERE?" he said, making the other members rush towards him in order to separate their eldest hyung from Taehyung.

"No one will interfere." He gritted while pushing away Namjoon who was trying to calm the scene down. You just stood there, unable to understand what was happening.

"H-hyung... I forgot that... that he was there t-too... I-" Taehyung, who still had no sign of tears in his eyes, spoke in his dry and cracked voice. It was now visible how he was trying so hard to suppress the urge to breakdown.

"YOU FORGOT? YOU FUCKING FORGOT? Stop giving these lame excuses for god's sake Kim Taehyung!" Releasing the collars with a harsh push, Jin ran his hand through his hairs, taking a deep breathe and continued again. "Just because you can't control your damn anger, just because you keep on spitting shit through that useless mouth of yours Jungkook is lying there in the room with those goddamned machines attached to him. Second time, IT'S THE SECOND TIME HE HAD A HEART ATTACK BECAUSE OF YOU." Silence lingered in the hall for a while before Jin broke it again.

"Get out. I don't want to see your face anymore." He fumed with anger as all other members just looked at him with shock. It wasn't something Seokjin would do. He was the type of person to hardly raise his voice on his brothers, but seeing him yelling so furiously was something none of them ever expected would happen again.

"H-hyung... "

And that was it. No matter how hard you try to hold in your emotions, there would come a time when the bag would overflow to a point that it'll burst up, making the stocked up emotions just flow out of you uncontrollably. That was what happened with Taehyung. The cries, tears and pain he was holding in for so long finally betrayed him and he broke down. So miserably that it was hard for him to even say something anymore, so hard that he was finding it difficult to even hold up his body straight at this point.

"JUST FUCKING GET OUT OF MY SIGHT TAEHYUNG. I SWEAR IF YOU SHOW YOUR FACE AGAIN I WON'T HESITATE TO RAISE MY HAND." The eldest said, the anger still overpowering him, the thought of his brother being held on life systems numbing all his senses.

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