Family road trip

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Mia Pov

Billie is currently running around like a headless chicken trying to make sure everyone has everything and grabbing bags and shoving them in the trunk of the truck. She has been planning for this road trip to the beach for a while. She says we need to bond more as a family an do fun stuff before Alex leaves for college.

 Billie says she feels like no one is valuing the time we have left before Alex is fully independent and doesn't need her anymore. like she doesn't have two other kids but I understand because her and Alex are the closest. They used to do everything together and its scaring Billie that she will loose that connection she has with her daughter when she leaves.

"baby you need to calm down for a sec" I say holding her waist as she's trying to pack the kids snacks into a bag. "I can't I have to make sure everything's perfect and that we don't leave anything behind and- Hey! Emily stop running with that pen!Put it back!" she yells at our youngest daughter. She puts the pen down and continues running. 

Billie sighs and finally relaxes in my arms and leans her head on my shoulder. We sway side to side calmly and I place gentle comforting kisses on her neck. " You're stressing too much my love. She won't be gone for six more months you have plenty of time" she scoffs "plenty of time? Six months is gonna go by faster than Emily washes her hands"

damn that's fast

"All I'm saying is don't rush take your time.Let you guys have your moments. I know your gonna miss her we all will. Well maybe not Mila she just wants Alex gone so she can have her room" we share a laugh "you guys talking about me" the pre- teen sasses as she comes down the stairs "psh what not at all " Billie replies obviously holding in a a laugh "mhm" she says as she side eyes us as she walks away. 

I turn Billie around and lift her chin to make her look at me " I love you angel. Thank you for this wonderful adventure we are going to have" she blushes at the nickname "I love you too and your welcome. I just want everyone to have fun and be happy" I give her a gentle kiss, living in the moment with my beautiful wife "eww" Emily and Mila say at the same time.

 We pull apart I groan from theses annoying ass kids ruining the moment "you guys are such pussy blockers" Mila bursts out laughing and Billie's eyes widen and smacks my arm "owie" I whine pouting rubbing the spot she hit "big baby" Billie teased as she walked away putting the snack bag in the car. I stick my tongue out and she does the same I smile to myself 

I love this woman

Emily tugs at my sleeve and I look down and pick her up sitting her on my hip "what's up babe" "what's a pussy mama?" she asks. my eyes widen "uh well I-its um you know" "no mama I don't know" I smile awkwardly "ill tell you when you're older bub" "but mama I'm almost this many years old" she holds up five fingers "I think I old enough to know" she says putting her hand on her hip. I set her on the ground "ok when you learn how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious I'll tell you what it means" "Hey! That's not fair" she frowns crossing her arms "you probably cant even spell it" "I sure can't" I smile and pat her head

"Ok everyone is sure they have what they need? I am not driving back if you forgot something so you better check now" I say to everyone in the car "I'm all good"  Alex says "me too!" Emily says "same here" Mila replies "Ok lets get this party started!" I shout in excitement everyone cheers as we pull out of the drive way. 

"Wait!" Emily yells I slam on the brakes making everyone jut forward "What?! What happened!? I yell " I forgot Mr. flubby" she says quietly. I sigh and get out the car and grab her stuffed animal off of her bed. I run back down stairs and reach back and hand it to Emily. She hugs it tightly "thank you mama" "You're welcome love. Ok now is everyone sure they have everything" "Yes" they all say at the same time. I nod and finally pull out of the drive way and head to the free way. 

I put my hand on Billie's thigh and smile keeping my eyes on the rode. "mommy can I watch my tablet" Emily asks "yeah one second" Billie reaches into the bag in front of her and grabs Emily's tablet and headphones. She hands them to Emily " Mila help your sister turn on a show" 

Completely ignoring her mother Mila continues to stayed focused on her phone doing who knows what. "Mila" Billie says a bit louder still she ignored her. "Mila!" she finally shouted "chill out stop yelling what do you want" she finally replies still looking at her phone. "excuse me?" Billie says stunned at the way her daughter responded. " you're excused" Mila says in a plain voice. "hey! you do not talk to your mom that way" I chime in " or what" she says threatening.

This girl

If I talked to my mom like that I would be dead as a cacaroach. " you know what" Billie say annoyed and snatches Mila's phone out of her hand " no phone for the rest of the ride" she smirks " Hey you cant do that! Mama tell her she cant do that!" " heck no you need an ass woopen, luckily I'm not gonna do that so be lucky you're phone just getting taken"

 I notice Billie's eyes widen as she looks at her daughters phone then I notice Mila's scared face through the rear view mirror "what is it?" I ask Billie trying to stay focused on the rode still. Billie still stunned at what she sees she calmly says " Mila you are grounded until you are older than grandma Maggie" "baby what is it?" I ask again. She flips the phone around and shows me texts messages from her and some person but I'm mainly looking at THE GIANT FUCKING DICK PIC.

 My face scrunches in anger I quickly make a sharp turn off of the free way into the nearest town. Mila was smart to stay quiet because if she talked it would be the last time.

We pull up to some old restaurant it seemed to be closed. " Mila get your ass out of the car right now and stand by the building I'll be out to talk to you in a second" "ok" she says with her head hung low and a scared voice.She gets out of the car and I notice a taco bell across the street "Alex take your sister to that taco bell over there and get some food for us ok" I say handing her a fifty dollar bill " Ok. come on Emily" she says unbuckling her sister and picking her up " is Mila gonna die?" she asks her older sister " maybe" she replies closing the door

I sigh and put my head on the steering wheel " what are you gonna do" Billie asks me " I don't know" I really don't know I mean she's way to young to have people sending her this type of stuff. it makes me wonder what else she's doing . she only twelve I'm mad of course but I'm also worried. the world can be a horrible place I just don't want my daughter to be caught in it." I'm not gonna yell because that just makes things worse. I'm just gonna try to talk to her in a nice calm way" I say getting out of the car " if that's possible" 

Billie's Pov

I cant believe what happened. I would never imagine Mila doing that. She better not be sending that boy any pictures. if she were she's not even leaving her room until she's sixty

I look over at Mia and Mila talking Mila's head hung low and Mia's talking seemed to actually be calm. They've been talking for about ten minutes now and a few tears were shed a few cuss words said but they finally hug and walk back to the car. They both sit in their seats and stay silent. I text Alex asking if she was ok because it had been a while she said she ordered a lot so it was taking a little longer. We drove across the street picking them up everyone getting settled again and enjoying a burrito as we hit the rode again.

"hey mama?" Emily asks  "whats up bub" Mia responds keeping her eyes on the rode" s-u-p-e-r-c-a-l-i-f-r-a-g-i-l-i-s-t-i-c-e-x-p-i-a-l-i-d-o-c-i-o-u-s" she spells Mia's eyes went wide


There's definitely gonna be a part 2 soon

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