Back to normal

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...........Sorry guys I'm not doing a Christmas part 2 chapter here's the ending of this story...............

Christmas was now over and everyone was sleeping in. It was now 10am and everyone was starting to get up. Tony was going to check on loki and when he opened the door he realized that loki was back to normal so he called the others to see and they all decided to make loki a nice big breakfast.
Loki has now woken up realizing he was back to normal which he almost missed being a child almost. He was also excited to be back to his normal age.
He then walked out of his room and walked to the kitchen to find a plate with his name on it that consisted of green and gold colored waffles and some orange juice.
He thanked the others and ate his breakfast while everyone ate their breakfast and no one spoke of Loki's deaging.
They all finished eating and Thor ran to his brother and hugged him.
"Oh brother I am glad you are back to normal." Thor said
"Yes yes now put me down Thor" loki replied feeling like he couldn't breathe from Thor's hugging.
" oh sorry brother" Thor replied putting loki down.
Everyone decided to watch a movie and they all agreed on watching a comedy. After the movie everyone decided to do their own thing. Thor and loki decided to go to the training room to train and Tony and Bruce decided to do some science stuff and Steve decided to train with loki and Thor and everyone else decided to just hang out.
It was now 5pm and everyone wanted dinner so Tony ordered some pizzas for everyone. One was pepperoni, one was supreme and one was pepperoni with sausage and he also ordered some breadsticks and some cherry coke and some Pepsi. And Steve made some chocolate cake because why not.
When the pizza arrived everyone ate and drank. After that it was time for dessert and Tony decided to get some alcohol and after that they had a slice of cake.
"Before we eat this cake I want to make a toast, here's to family who sticks together till the end cheers" tony said
"Cheers" everyone said when they clicked their glasses together.
It was now 8pm at night and everyone decided to go to sleep except loki who was looking at the stars that night thinking about his adventures he had these last months.
He was really happy to be back to normal.

............The End............

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