Loki and puppy adventures

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So after Loki decided to buy the puppy the puppy used his secret weapon of puppy eyes and now we are stuck with a puppy. Anyway Loki is not grounded anymore so he is currently playing with his puppy. And then something awful happens the worst of the worst. You know what happens when a puppy and a child roll in mud well you know what happens.
Loki and the puppy who's name is spike are running in the house with mud now they need a bath oh joy a bath. This won't end well I just know it.
"Loki stop running in the house with mud you are filthy it's definitely time for a bath you too." Tony said
"But I was teaching spike how to play fetch with his new ball. " Loki pouted like he was a little kid even though he is 13. Looked adorable though with mud I. His hair and making him look like an adorable mess.
"Well you are all muddy so you need a bath take the dog with you" tony replied
"Okay tony" Loki said walking to the bathroom with the puppy.
'Loki was in the bathroom for about a hour or so.
He was taking too long what was going on in the bathroom I wonder' Tony thought to himself.
So I went to the bathroom and heard the sounds of water splashing.
So I opened the door and a wet dog ran out of the bathroom shaking water everywhere. Great. So i try to chase the dog along with Loki and finally after a soaked living room and Loki and me we finally got the puppy all dry and the rest of the house, what a struggle it was.
"Apparently the puppy doesn't like baths" tony and Loki agreed
So after they get dried off, Jarvis tell us that the puppy stuff came. So I get the package and then I open it to see.
Puppy toys, puppy pads, puppy food, a puppy bed, bowls for food and water, green apple scented pet dry shampoo. 'Aw man I couldn't used this stuff instead of giving him a bath' the last thing in the box was a collar. The collar was black with skulls on it.
"Loki it looks like you are potty training that puppy also put these puppy pads somewhere where no one will walk in like maybe in a corner" tony said
"Okay I'll do that. can we have lunch after wards like mac and cheese? I want mac and cheese"Loki asked
"Sure kid we can do it I'll have Bruce cook it since he can cook." Tony replied
After everything was set and the puppy was playing with his toys. Lunch was ready and loki ate his mac and cheese while Tony ate a Turkey club sandwich.
So after lunch the team came home from where ever they went to. And everyone decided to watch a movie the movie was the chronicles of narnia. Which Loki picked out.
After we watched the movie it was about 3 pm so I decided to go to the lab and tinker on some things and before I went down to the lab I told Loki to stay out of  trouble. Steve went to the exercise room, Bruce went to his lab, Clint and Natasha went to the training room with their weapons and Thor decided to play with Loki and spike. They played until dinner and at dinner they ate some lasagna.
After dinner everyone decided to watch one more movie before bed and of course it was clints turn to pick a movie he picked a movie called Star Wars which everyone enjoyed. Which was the first since he usually picked a movie everyone hates.
They movie started and Steve made some popcorn for everyone and Loki was enjoying that popcorn.
After an hour Loki started to fall asleep and soon  he was asleep when the movie ended so Tony carried him to his room and spike followed soon spike and Loki were asleep in their beds and soon after all the other avengers were asleep.

Next chapter coming soon.

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