Jeff P.O.V

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 When I got to the room, I threw open the door and saw Ben. He was lying on the ground, small cuts and bruises covered his arms, his tunic stained deep crimson. His eyes had blood surrounding them and more seemed to be leaking from under his closed eyelids. A small whimpering, sobbing sound was filling the room. "Ben!" 

He looked up. "No, Jeff, don't. It's a t-"

Two pale hands emerged out of the darkness, one grabbing Bens head, the other holding a knife at his throat. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Jeffy, I thought you were smarter than that. Never follow a threat note. But now that I've got you here, I might as well kill you both. Why don't we start with little pathetic Link here." Nina came into full view, looking the exact same as she did when he saw her last time, although her purple hoodie was a little more torn and bloodstained. She pressed the knife closer to Ben's neck, drawing little droplets of blood. It was the blood droplets that snapped me. Sure, I've only known the kid for a few hours, but I could tell that he was a little more sensitive than the others. And I guess he's growing on me.

"You little-" I lunged for her, when a pale manicured hand grabbed my wrist. 

"Jeffrey, you will make it worse." I turned and there was Jane. "You can't take her and save Ben at the same time."

"Who says I can't? And why are you helping me?" I growled, tugging my hand away.

She rolled her black eyes. "I heard screaming and came to investigate. Nobody is allowed to hurt Ben. Not even Slender. I'll get him. What's your room number?"

"I-fine. 17, and thanks Jane."

She slapped me. "That was for letting Ben out of your sight, you dumb-ass. I still hate you but-"

"Are you kidding me?! I have stupid elf boy here in a choke hold and all you can argue about is who's going to attempt to kill me? Ha." Nina pressed the knife deeper, drawing more blood.

Me and Jane ran towards her and Ben. Grabbing Nina, I pushed her to the wall, my knife at her head. "You got him Jane?" I heard shuffling. 

"Yes. Meet you back at your room."

I turned back towards the girl pinned to the wall, a smirk appearing on my face. "You fucked up for the last time bitch. No one touches him." She made a small squeaking noise that I think was help. I sliced my knife across her throat, her blood splattering everywhere. Letting her body fall to the floor, I bolted back upstairs. Opening my door, I saw Jane dragging Ben to the bathroom. "Thanks Jane, I got it from here." She dropped his arm. 

"Thank Zalgo, he's heavy." She punched me in the arm on her way out. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to Ben lying on the floor. He had fallen unconscious on the travel up. Blood had smeared on the floor. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bathroom. He's not heavy. Jane just can't carry anything. I placed him in the bathtub. Siphoning the blood off his arms and away from his eyes, I could now see how deep Nina had really cut him. A new wave of anger washed over me, but I can't worry about her now. I have Ben to worry about. As I bandaged his cuts, I could see the big cut on his back. Not wasting a minute, I grabbed a towel and rinsed it in water. Placing it down on he counter, I turned to Ben and took off his tunic. I sponged up the crimson liquid and wrapped up his back. I threw away his tunic. There was no saving that thing. I left the bathroom and retrieved a clean white hoodie form my drawer. Walking back to the bathroom, I could see that Ben was still dead to the world. I put my hoodie on him, picked him up again, and deposited him onto his bed.

 He curled up into a ball in his sleep. I left to make some food when I heard him whimpering again. Running back, I saw he was shaking, fresh blood tears running down his face. I sat next to him. What do I do? Hug him? Pat his head? Give him toothpaste? Pet his hair. I shrugged and started petting his hair. It was fluffy, like a cats. He stopped trembling and started purring, My lips curled into a real smile. He was pretty cute. No Jeff. You are not developing a crush, it's just instinct. You aren't loving anyone again. See what happened last time? No. You can't take that kind of heartbreak again. I sighed. One of these days, I should cut my brain in half. That would shut it up. Maybe.

(Boom, 815 words. You're welcome)

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