Ben P.O.V

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I was right at the Skull  Kid's arena when my computer shut off. "Turn that damn thing down, you little shit." My father was very obviously drunk and completely out of it. 

"Y-Yes Father." I lowered my head. Slap! My cheek stung where he slapped me. Tears began streaming down my face. He punched me in the gut.

"Don't sass me boy. Get to bed."

"Yes Father." I stumbled away and fell into my bed. Hearing the door open and close as he exited, I got back up and went to my bathroom. As I ran a washcloth under the stream of water, my gut screamed in pain. After applying the washcloth, I lay back down on my bed. Things may be bad, but t least I have my video game. The characters are my only friends, I thought as my eyes closed. 

When I awoke, I wasn't in my bed. I was tied up in the back of a car, tape gagging me, ropes chafing my skin. I sat like that for around 10 minutes until the car stopped. I heard the car door open and get slammed shut. The back door opened, allowing me to see who did this. My father stood there, disgust plastered on his face as he grabbed me roughly by the collar. As he dragged me out of the car, I saw that we were at a lake. Trees were everywhere and it looked quite deserted. As we neared the lakes shore, I could see dark, shrouded figures in long black cloaks standing in the water, chanting in some unknown language. As I passed one, I caught a glimpse of their face. White, pure white eyes and a small nose with a wide gaping mouth. Fear ran through my body as I guessed what my father was going to do.

He set me upright, cut the tape from my mouth, and sliced the ropes. I was still dazed, so I didn't notice when he strapped a heavy ball-and-chain to my leg. The chanting grew louder. I looked down and saw an enormous drop-off. The last words I heard was, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you." Then the water started filling my lungs. I lasted 1 minute, then all went black.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((End of dream))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I woke up gasping for air. My cheeks were stained with blood and more was trickling down. I looked around and saw Jeff sitting on his bed, doodling. At the sound, he looked over. "Oh, you're up."

"What happened?" I shook, remembering how Nina had forced her way in and grabbed me roughly, dragging me down to her room.

He looked slightly pissed off. "What happened is that I told you not to let Nina in."

"I-I didn't. She forced her way in." He looks a bit calmer.

"Oh. Anyways, you've been asleep for 2 hours. " I looked at my arms, expecting to see the cuts, but instead finding my arms covered in an overlarge white hoodie. I pushed the sleeves up and saw that I had Band-Aids® covering my arms. 

"What happened to my tunic? And did Slendy do this or you?"

His face turned slightly offended, but I could tell he was joking. "After she cut you, your tunic was too bloody and battered to save, so I threw it away and put you in one of my extra hoodies. I can bandage cuts too, you know."

"Oh." I felt my face turning a light pink. "Thanks. I'm hungry." I made to get out of bed, but my back ached.

"Whoa there dude." Jeff jumped up and walked over. "You're still too weak to get up. You're gonna have to stay in bed for at least another day. I'll get you some food. What do you want?"

"Ow-that explains a lot." I winced. "Just a sandwich would be great, thanks."

He nodded and got up. "Also, did you know you sleep like a cat?"

My cheeks flushed a bright red "No." I mumbled. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

(I love these cliffhangers. 666 words)

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