Chapter 6

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P.S I've decided not to name my chapters Ben P.O.V etc. Onwards--


Jeff P.O.V

You shouldn't have told him he slept like a cat. Now he probably thinks you're a creep. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I was mentally punishing myself for saying that when I heard the knock.  Ben turned to the sound. "Sit your elf butt down man. I'll get it." I said while grabbing my knife. He sat back down with a harrupfh. I opened the door and standing there was Jane holding Toby by his ear. 

"Can I g-go now?" he complained. "I-I have things to do, waffles to e-eat, people t-to annoy."

"No. I came by to see how he's doing, and you are here because you are being you." Jane remarked

"What's that s-supposed to m-mean? OW!"

"What happened?" I asked, glancing at Toby, who was rubbing his chest.

"My t-tic made m-me hit myself in the chest-t."

Jane rolled her eyes again. "Anyway, how is Ben?"

"He's fine." 

"Jeff, can I have my sandwich now? Oh hi guys!" Ben poked his head out and waved.

"You little turd. I told you to rest! Bye guys." I shut the door and ushered Ben back to his bed.

"Soooooooo, when can I have my sandwich?" he poked me.

"I'll be right back."

"That's what you said last time."

I poked his head. "Yeah, I know. I'll be right back." I left the room and walked downstairs to the kitchen, where Toby was eating waffles and X-Virus was counting. "What are you two idiots doing?"

X looked up. "We're trying to see how many waffles Toby can eat in a minute. 8............9.........10"

"Ok." I rolled my eyes. I then proceeded to make a turkey and cheese sandwich with chips and a glass of water. Walking back to my room, I heard two voices talking. I stopped to listen at the door. 

"Dark Link, I told you to stop teleporting through my computer! You glitch it up and make me lose my game progress." This was obviously Ben's voice.

"Whatever. Sonic.exe's prison is getting weaker-weaker-weaker. Thought you'd want to-to-to know that." A glitchy voice replied.

"Ok, thank you." 

There was a zapping noise and then silence. I took this as my cue to enter. Ben's head turned and his eyes lit up. "Is that food?" 

I laughed, which I haven't done since I last played a video game with Liu. That thought made me sad, but I pushed it away. "You sound like a puppy." 

He turned red again and crossed his arms. "First you say I sleep like a cat, now you're saying I act like a puppy. What's next? You laugh like a hyena?" I snickered and handed him the food. He scarfed it down as I went to go wash my hands. "Hey Jeff."

I poked my head out of the kitchen. "Uh-huh?"

"Thank you for rescuing me back there."

"No problem Benny." 

He squished his face. "No."

I walked over. "If you won't let me call you Benny, what can I call you?"

He made an exasperated noise. "My name, Ben."

"Tiny it is then."

"Fuck you."



Ben P.O.V

Jeff's a turd. He's pretty cool, but he is also kinda snarky. I yawned. "I'm gonna go back to bed. Goodnight." 

He waved. " G'night."

I curled up and feel into the dark arms of sleep.


3rd person P.O.V

The smaller boy was crying in his sleep again. Jeff walked over, sat down next to him, and began petting his head again, a real smile tugging at his lips.

(No cliffhanger. Sadness. 586 words.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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